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Three Things on a Monday


Martha is the winner of the $50 Dollar General gift card. Congrats, Martha!


Lisey and I made an almost flourless chocolate cake, which we originally saw at Modern Mrs. Darcy.   Go check it out!

Lisey chopping chocolate


The family FG is taking an uncharacteristically expensive trip, and it’s all because of food waste.

Zoe at Myrtle Beach, which is not where we are going. ;)

Zoe at Myrtle Beach, which is not where we are going. 😉

Go read about it and please do give me your best tips (because I am positive at least some of you have been where we’re going!)


Joshua’s 52 post: Extra-Terrestrial Part II (He took this using his camera and telescope!)

Don't throw your bread away!

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    Anne @ Modern Mrs Darcy

    Tuesday 22nd of April 2014

    Hurray for yummy cake! And I'm looking forward to hearing all about your trip as plans unfold. I've never been there as a parent....

    Allergy Cookie

    Tuesday 22nd of April 2014

    Wow, that cake is inspiring!


    Monday 21st of April 2014

    You'll have so much fun!!! Be sure to stay for the firework/light show at night- it's amazing!


    Monday 21st of April 2014

    Disney is so the opposite of everything I enjoy and value, so I can't give first hand experience tips. But, some friends of ours took our kids there for a week of fun last year b/c they (our friends) love it so and knew we'd NEVER take our kids there, no matter how much money we had. Our friends are frugal and employed similar strategies to what it appears you'll be doing: they stayed at a condo outside the resort and ate lunches out and dinners at the condo every night except the night they stayed for fireworks. They were also big on planning rides based on crowds from an app they have for their phones. That seemed to cut down on their wait times.

    Kim C

    Monday 21st of April 2014

    I forgot. We stayed in my parents condo through their timeshare too, but they went with us. They didn't go to the theme parks, but they did ride with us to Florida and stayed with us in the condo. They enjoyed just riding around and doing their own thing down there. AND they didn't mind one bit dropping us off and picking us up each day at the theme parks. We didn't have to pay for parking or do any extra walking at all. I would call them when we decided to leave each day and if they weren't in place where it was convenient for them right then, we'd just find something else to do in the meantime. That only happened once in the week we were there.

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