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Ting has a GSM network! And you can get $50 for switching!

You all already know that Mr. FG and I use (and adore) Ting Wireless, right?

$21/month smartphone plan through Ting Wireless

We’ve been over this before.

Really, our $25 bill can’t be beat.   And that’s for TWO iPhones.

(Be still, my heart.)

You could save tons of money on your wireless bill too.   Check out Ting’s savings calculator here to see how much you could save by switching.

Initially, you had to buy a Sprint-network phone to use with Ting, which wasn’t an enormous deal to us.   We bought refurbed Sprint iPhone 4s’s on Amazon and called it a day.


Now Ting offers GSM, which means that all you have to do is buy a SIM card and you are good to go.   No worrying about having a Sprint enabled phone anymore.

Ting GSM

This is super awesome news if you already have a phone that you love, because now you can keep your phone, get a SIM card, and you’ll be on your way to wireless savings.


If you open an account through any Ting links on my blog, normally you get a $25 credit.   But from now until July 31st, opening an account gets you $50 instead.

Which is totally awesome.


If you’ve been thinking about taking the plunge, do it before July 31st so you get your $50!

Just click here to visit Ting and get started.

(Your $50 credit will be automatic as long as you sign up through the links on my blog.   Easy peasy.)

I’m a Ting affiliate, but we signed up and fell in love with Ting before I ever became affiliated, and I really, really do think you should see how much you can save with Ting!

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    Saturday 24th of September 2016

    Your ting link didn't work correctly for me. Since it is bypassing the main page, you need to use the correct link. The correct link omits the "www" and should read https://thefrugalgirl.ting ... I think this a bug created by security at ting to prevent old links from working preventing excess crediting to any one particular account. You may need to refresh your link to work correctly ...

    Isabel G.

    Wednesday 11th of November 2015

    I really really want to make the switch to TING. Unfortunately, my home is a deadzone for T-mobile and Sprint customers. My friends always complain about no service and have to use my house phone to make calls or use my house wi-fi to text on facebook.


    Wednesday 11th of November 2015

    Aww, that stinks!


    Saturday 1st of August 2015

    I signed up with Ting on the 31st through one of your links. The credit isn't showing up yet--does it take a while? I've been thinking about doing this for a months. I'm going to be the guinea pig for our family!


    Tuesday 4th of August 2015

    Hey Linda,

    The credit should show up in your Ting account under Billing History once you've activated your device. If you've already done that and it's still now showing up for you, you can reach me directly at

    Kyra (from Ting)


    Saturday 1st of August 2015

    Yes, I think it takes more than day to show up. You could chat with a Ting rep to find out exactly how long, because I'm not totally positive. But if it doesn't show up in a week or so, just let me know, and I'll make sure my contact at Ting takes care of you. :)


    Thursday 30th of July 2015

    Did the $50 promo just end? It's still July 30 but I don't see the banner now at the top of the Ting site that I saw earlier when I clicked your link.


    Thursday 30th of July 2015

    Hey John!

    Kyra from Ting here :) Sorry about the issue with the banner, it should be working for you now. This promotion does run through the 31st as Kristen mentioned and anyone who signed up even if the banner didn't appear earlier would have received the $50 credit.

    Everything should be looking good now.


    Thursday 30th of July 2015

    No, it's definitely through the 31st. And something must just be odd with the banner, because it should be up there regardless (when the promo ends it'll go back to saying $25).

    If your $50 doesn't get credited to you for some reason, let me know, and we'll get it worked out with Ting. But it should be just fine.

    Amy R

    Wednesday 29th of July 2015

    I thought my bill was cheap at $40 a month, but this is tempting. I need a new phone anyway, and don't want to do a contract. Thanks for the savings alert! $50 is a nice incentive for me to switch!


    Wednesday 29th of July 2015

    Hi Amy! Sarah from Ting here. I am so glad you're considering Ting as an option for your phone service. We offer a bunch of phone options on our site. If you'd like to buy one from somewhere else - no problem! About 80% of phones in the US can make the switch to Ting. If you'd like us to do all the heavy lifting for you, our Personal Shoppers can help you find the perfect device based on your needs. You can submit a request here:

    Cheers, Sarah

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