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Top Ten 2014 Frugal Girl Posts

Happy New Year, dear readers! I hope you had a fun New Year’s Eve.


I actually, um, spent mine working on my laundry room.

I am such a party animal.

But really, Mr. FG had to fill in for someone at work last night, so it’s not like anything exciting was going on here.

And besides, the progress I made on my laundry room is pretty exciting to me.

I’ll show you before and afters, I promise, but since today is the first day of the new year, I thought it might be fun to do a roundup post of the top ten posts from 2014.

(Mainly because I really, really enjoy reading these lists on other blogs!)

Just click on the title of each post in the list to open up each individual post.

1.   How to lower your smartphone bill (to $21/month)

This is the top post from 2014, probably because the idea of a $21 smartphone bill is completely irresistible.

Our bill is so low thanks to Ting Wireless, and after having had my phone and their service for a year now, I can still happily say that I adore everything about my plan.

$21 smartphone plan

2. How to make fluffy homemade hamburger buns

Apparently there’s a lot of demand out there for a good fluffy homemade hamburger bun recipe, because this one comes in at number two on the list.

How to Make Fluffy Homemade Hamburger Buns

These are awfully fabulous buns, and not just for sandwiches.   Try one split in half, toasted, and spread with cream cheese and raspberry jam.

It’s pretty much better than a Danish.

3. Because $90,000 isn’t enough. Clearly.

I’m mostly pretty positive around here, but occasionally, I get annoyed about something, like, say, the “I just need more money.” mindset.

To a point, this is valid (Oh my gosh, the difference between $30,000 and $50,000 is tremendous!), but if you get too comfy with thinking you “just need more money”, then you’ll pretty much never have enough.

4. Top Ten Things to Buy at Costco

This should really be titled, “The Top Ten Things I Buy at Costco” because heaven knows everyone’s household is different.

But hey, if you wanna see what I buy, click on over!

The Frugal Girl's Ten Favorite Things to Buy at Costco

5. How to replace a broken jean button

I used to think replacing a metal rivet would be complicated, but I was pleased to learn that it’s actually super easy.

replace a broken jean button

Not only did I fix my own jeans, but I also used my skills to fix a pair of Zoe’s jeans just very recently.

6. How to turn ugly frames/prints into chalkboards

This is a post I did for Cabot stain, and it was so much fun. I used Cabot stain on Goodwill frames and then used chalkboard paint on the glass to make snazzy chalkboards from old, ugly frames.

chalkboards made with Cabot stain

7. We’re going somewhere expensive (Disney!)

This trip evolved out of a partnership with Glad’s food waste initiative.   We’d never been to Disney as a family, so I asked you all for advice, and you came through with flying colors.

Lots of great ideas in the comments.

(And here’s how our trip went.)

8. I bought a Vitamix!

I owned this blender for about a year before I wrote about it, so I guess now it’s been almost two years since I bought it.

I still love it muchly.

vitamix yogurt and fruit smoothie

9. How to be an obnoxious money saver

This tongue-in-cheek post was inspired by observing some not-so-pleasant aspects of frugal people (including myself!).

It probably made the top ten list because we all love to read about other people’s obnoxiousness. 😉

10. 7 Tips for Making Great MyPublisher Photo Books

I had such a great time writing this post.   Photographing life and then taking those photos and making them into books has always been one of my favorite things to do, and it’s delightful to write about things you love to do.


You guys had some photography questions after reading that post, so this year I’m drafting up a series of posts with simple tips for taking better pictures.


Thanks so much for choosing to read my blog this year, and thank you for commenting and emailing…hearing from readers is the highlight of blogging for me.

You guys are the best.   Mwah!

(Also, you have lovely taste in blogs, I must say. 😉 )

Happy New Year!

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    Margaret | Live Like No One Else

    Sunday 4th of January 2015

    I read your post about the family that couldn't live on $90K a year. Truly it was laughable! They are disorganized and spend all their money on crap they don't need, most likely eating out (like the pic in the post). They can't pay their electric bill, but go out to eat?! Really?!


    Friday 2nd of January 2015

    You should do a cookbook. You always find creative ways to use stuff. Making your own potatoe bread is amazing. I wouldn't know where to start but I love it. Keep up the good ideas.

    Frugal Paragon

    Friday 2nd of January 2015

    We had a very frugal New Year's at a friend's house, homemade food, couple bottles of wine, toddlers asleep in the bedrooms (no sitters).

    Our cosmopolitan friend told us that in some European country (France?) it is traditional to spend all day New Year's Eve cleaning your house, so as to start the new year fresh. So you must have been subconsciously tapping to that :-).


    Thursday 1st of January 2015

    We took the plunge this year and bought the Vitamix. We picked up a refurbished 6300 from the factory store in Cleveland for $400 (after tax) while we were visiting family. It's been great so far, especially for keeping our freezer stocked with baby food. I haven't calculated how much we've saved by making baby food in bulk and freezing it, rather than buying stuff from the store, but I'm sure we've put a pretty good dent in the purchase price of the blender. Not to mention how much better the homemade stuff tastes.

    Kristen @ Joyfully Thriving

    Thursday 1st of January 2015

    It's been a great year! One of my favorites was your take on "Because $90,000 isn't enough. Clearly." So insightful, yet practical. I always enjoy what you have to share, Kristen. Many blessings to you and your family this new year!

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