New here? Thankful Thursday is something we’ve been doing in these COVID times; a (frugal and free) exercise to help us hunt for the good that is in our lives and in the world, even in the midst of a pandemic.
This week, I am thankful:
that my windows are installed
We had multiple delays (rain, electrical work, more rain), but I am delighted to say that I now have windows in my wall.
We still need to buy blinds and patch the holes left from the electrical work, but that’s ok, because we have LIGHT in that room now.
I am extremely pleased with this home-improvement spending.
for funds to pay for the windows
Our home improvement/maintenance fund has been sitting untouched for a while, growing, so it was no problem to pay for the windows.
I am grateful that the fund didn’t get depleted by things like septic issues; new windows are so much more fun than plumbing or septic!
that Sonia’s mouth is feeling better
She had a few under-the-weather days during her recovery from wisdom teeth removal, but she really turned a corner in a good way yesterday.
So now everyone except Zoe has had their wisdom teeth removed. I’m getting to be a pro at taking care of wisdom teeth patients at this point. 😉
for not having to sit in waiting rooms
Thanks to COVID, I almost never sit in waiting rooms anymore; I get to just stay in my car until we get called in.

My “waiting room” during Sonia’s wisdom teeth removal
I don’t really like waiting rooms, so this is fine by me! I get to be nearer the outdoors (my car offers a lot of natural light. Ha.) and away from all the distractions of a waiting room.
Yesterday, I got to sit in my quiet car, with the doors open, parked by the trees, and work by myself in the sunshine while Sonia had an appointment. This is unequivocally preferable to a waiting room!
I was telling Mr. FG that I hope this is a thing that sticks around after COVID, especially for offices where infectious people go for care.
for a fun Zoom call with my friend Sylvia
Sylvia runs a small business coaching company, and she’s part of my mastermind group.
She offered to do a call with me to help me figure out a plan to meet my latest accountability goal, and we had a delightful time on the call while also being quite productive.
for being able to vote by mail
Well, I didn’t exactly do mail. I filled my ballot out and took it to the dropbox by the fire station.
Easy-peasy, and it cost me no gas because I did it on the way home from another errand.
I could have dropped it in the mail, but this way I saved the election board a little postage and took a little stress off the postal system.
I already got a tracking email saying my ballot has been received, so, yay!
Not gonna lie; I hope this option remains even post-COVID. So much easier than standing in line.
for Sonia’s babysitting job
She’s got a gig watching a little guy for two hours two mornings a week.
for mild October weather
We haven’t needed heat or air conditioning, which is lovely for the electric bill.
for the colors of October
There’s such a lovely array of colors here, and there are still a lot of green leaves as well. Nice and cheerful!
that two more books sold on eBay
Slowly but surely, my shelf of listed books is getting emptier and emptier.
(Here’s how to sell books on eBay.)
More money and less clutter for me. Plus, the books are going to homes that want them.
that geometry is easier the fourth time around
Zoe’s doing geometry at the tutorial this year, but of course, I’m responsible for helping her with all of her homework during the week.
I have to say, the fourth go-round (she’s my fourth homeschool student, obviously) is definitely easier than the first. I’m way better at proofs now, and I can recall theorems and postulates much more easily.
Incidentally, Zoe’s teacher has been assigning proofs through the Delta Math website as a supplement, and I have to say that I am very impressed with how much the online practice helps with figuring out how to do proofs. Such a cool tool!
Jem Horwood
Saturday 7th of November 2020
Your window is beautiful! I would agree that getting more light and what looks like a lovely view into your home is so worth the money!
Friday 23rd of October 2020
I'm with you on the waiting room thing. One of my pet peeves has always been the patient who brings the entire family to the tiny, overcrowded waiting room. If grandma is going to watch the kids, why do they all have to come sit in the waiting room?
Still thankful for your near daily posts on both of your blogs!
Friday 23rd of October 2020
I did have to bring all four of my kids with me sometimes to appointments, but I tried to avoid it if I could. I can't imagine choosing that; it's not fun to corral children in a waiting room!
Friday 23rd of October 2020
Your window looks fantastic! I love all the light.
I'm thankful for: 1. Good health for everyone in my family 2. Good, stable jobs for both my husband and I 3. My loving and generous husband 4. The increased opportunity I've had to spend more time with my teenage daughter. It's the one benefit that's come out of COVID-we've had more opportunities to explore common interests. 5. This gorgeous fall weather and foliage we are currently experiencing
Friday 23rd of October 2020
* I am thankful that the renovations for our shower is finally started. Being shower-less for 1.5 year sucks! * Thankful that hubby didn't break his neck falling from the roof of the house! Geez....... * Thankful to still be able to dry clothes on the line at this time of the year * Thankful to have a job, even if I really don't feel like working today! TGIF! * Thankful to live in a home filled with love and security
Jody S.
Thursday 22nd of October 2020
1. I'm thankful that my in-laws could come for a visit. My kids love time with their grandparents. 2. I'm thankful that I just finished canning tomato products for the year. I'm thankful that I had tomatoes to can. 3. I'm thankful that my kids now how to work hard and that some of them can fit into the crawlspace to thaw out the frozen-up dehumidifier and clean the filter which was dirty. And that they nearly fought over who "got to" go down into the crawlspace to do the work. (Note: this rarely happens--that my kids vie over who gets to do work.) 4. I'm thankful for dish soap that cuts grease. 5. I'm thankful that you got your pretty window because folks need light in the winter! 6. I'm thankful for my friend, Lauryn. She's so good to me. 7. I'm thankful for the lovely weather and the view. Always the view.