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Tuesday Tip | How to find posts/recipes on my blog!

This is not a money-saving tip, necessarily, but it’s a question that I get somewhat regularly…people write to me wondering how to find a recipe or a DIY that I’ve posted before.

(Those of you that are tech-savvy can probably already find older posts or recipes with no problems, so this post is not for you. 😉 )

1. Use Google search.

Honestly, this is the method I use when I’m looking for an older post of mine!

I just go to Google, type in “the frugal girl” plus whatever I’m looking for.  For instance, “the frugal girl clam chowder” or “the frugal girl how to fix a dryer”, and Google usually comes up with the right thing.

2. Use the search bars on my site.

When you are on a laptop or desktop, there’s a search bar over on the right.

Just scroll down, and you’ll see it.

Type in what you’re looking for and any posts that match your search terms will show up.

If you’re using a mobile device like a tablet or a phone, the search bar is alllll the way down at the bottom of the page, along with the archives and category pages.

I know that’s a little bit inconvenient, but mobile devices don’t give you a lot of screen space to work with.

I hope that helps you find the posts you are looking for!

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    Liz Bishop

    Tuesday 19th of February 2019

    I can't seem to access your blog's archives from my phone. Your directions are very straightforward, but it doesn't show up that way on my phone. No "archives" bar at the end of the post, no matter how I view your post on my phone (web version, link from email, etc.) Other than Google specific topics, like recipes, that is. Is it my phone (an Android)?

    Diane C

    Tuesday 19th of February 2019

    I'm a regular over at the MMM Forum. Their search function leaves a lot to be desired. I breathe a sigh of relief whenever I search your site because I always get results here. You might wonder how these things are related. When someone asks a question that I know you have answered, such as how to remove armpit stains, I happily post links to you so more people can experience all the marvy-fabulousness that is The Frugal Girl.


    Wednesday 20th of February 2019

    I also read that forum a lot, and the above-mentioned addition to google search is a life-saver with that site


    Tuesday 19th of February 2019

    Oh, that is so kind of you. Thank you so much for sharing links to my site! I really appreciate it.

    Shawn D.

    Tuesday 19th of February 2019

    You can also do a Google search in the form " clam chowder," which will restrict results to your site only.


    Tuesday 19th of February 2019

    Ooh, that is a fancy googling tip! Thank you.

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