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Two questions for the readers!

Every Monday, I answer a few of the questions that my readers send me. If you have a question you’d like me to answer in a future Q&A post, just leave me a comment here or email me (thefrugalgirl [at] gmail [dot] com) and put Q&A in the subject line. I look forward to hearing from you!

Usually I answer Q&A submissions, but sometimes I get questions I’m not really well equipped to answer, and I’ve got two of those today.

Help me out!

I am wondering if you know of a good way to refresh the marks on a glass measuring cup. I have a quart sized glass one that is in good shape, except that I can barely read the markings. I hate to get a new one since this one is still usable, but on the other hand, it isn’t really usable if I can’t tell how much I have in there… Are there markers or paints that would stay on glass?


measuring cup with faded markings(image from a post on Smitten Kitchen about this same issue)

This is a timely question because one of my measuring cups is almost completely marker-less at this point and I’d better take care of it soon if I want to know where the markings even go!

I think your best bet would be a glass paint marker, such as this one. I believe you have to bake the item once you’ve marked it in order to set the paint, but that should be no problem for a glass measuring cup.

To make this project more financially sensible, I’d print out a coupon from A.C. Moore or Michael’s so you can get 40% off your paint marker.

I recently made yogurt for the first time using your directions. It came out so thick and smooth and wonderful (which really is wonderful b/c my 9 month old eats the stuff like it’s nobody’s business and that ain’t cheap).

It made me feel like I could venture out into the world of other homemade-dairy-ish things and I found a recipe online for cottage cheese. I made it and it tasted like cottage cheese the 1st day, then the 2nd day it some how turned into this super stuck-together gel-y monster curd that wouldn’t break apart. Did I do something wrong? or does home-made cottage cheese only last 1 day? Any advice you could give would be wonderful.

cottage cheese

P.S. Oh, I forgot to add what I did: I brought 1/2 gal of whole milk to 120 degrees, added 1/2 cup vinegar, stirred for about a minute while it separated, strained the curds/when through a cheese cloth, then rinsed the curds with cold water and added salt.

Hmm.   I’ve never made cottage cheese before, but the method you’re describing sounds more like the ricotta-ish cheese recipes I’ve seen online.

I did a little poking around, and it looks like more serious recipes for cottage cheese use rennet to make the curds.   Maybe that makes a difference?

Hopefully some of my readers have tried both the rennet and rennet-less versions and can give you some advice.

(By the way, I’m so glad your yogurt turned out well!)


Alrighty, readers!   Any experience with glass markers or cottage-cheese making?


Joshua’s 52 Project post: Bones

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    Saturday 18th of February 2023

    I want to use my Cricut to relabel my anchor hocking measuring cup but I cannot find a svg . Going to try my hand at making one.


    Tuesday 27th of December 2022 I skipped the cricket & vinal work, and recreated the lines using painters tape and an Exacto knife. Where there are no lines to follow, use a kitchen scale with fl oz to ensure accuracy.

    Pamela Zeman

    Sunday 30th of August 2020

    Like the person above I need to remark a plastic measuring cup. Permanent marker Keats comes off. Do you have any suggestions?

    Thank you Pamela S Zeman


    Friday 1st of June 2018

    My measuring cups survived the dishwasher intact for years. Suddenly, the numbers are being sandblasted off. Are the heavy-duty detergent packets causing this (I recently switched to them), or are the markings are measuring cups inferior to what they used to be?


    Wednesday 1st of October 2014

    The measuring cup issue- I happen to have a hand held glass engraving tool, but I'm far away. There must be some workshops around somewhere, where they have got tools like that. Shoe repair? The guys, who make copies of keys? I would know where to look to in Europe, but I don't know about U.S.A. Just an idea.

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