So, last Wednesday, I posted a photographic inventory of the contents of my kitchen freezer.
And I promised an update in a week, so, here we go! I’m not done using it all up, so this is just a midway update. 🙂
These are the meats I started with.
I thawed the chicken tenders, browned them in a little oil with salt and pepper, and then shredded and sauteed them with salsa, green onions, and cumin, to make a filling for two quesadillas.
I used some of my stack of frozen corn tortillas to make these!
I used the Butcher Box Italian sausage in a number of ways.
For starters, I thawed these stuffed shells:
Then I covered them with some of this sauce from my freezer challenge.

Many of you were surprised you can freeze pasta sauce. It works just fine, even in a glass jar, as long as you have space at the top for the sauce to expand.
And I browned some of the sausage and added it on top of the shells.
I also used some of the sausage in conjunction with my kale-using efforts.
And I had some browned with a Hungry Harvest pepper. The Parmesan on top is from my challenge too!
By the way…I tried a Butcher Box of meats because I got a really good introductory offer.
My very short review is that if you have a first-time offer, it can be a decent deal, considering that you are getting grass-fed beef, organic chicken, and so on.
However, I didn’t think that the chicken breasts were very good; if you order a box, I’d recommend the bacon, pork butt, sausage, and ground beef instead.
You can definitely get conventional meat more cheaply at a grocery store, but that’s not exactly comparing apples to apples.
Back to the freezer challenge!
The bacon? I just fried it up to eat with some whole wheat blueberry pancakes.
So, the bit of hamburger is all that’s left of the meat.
What else?
I used up the second jar of pasta sauce to make some baked ziti, and I also used up the mozzarella and more of the Parmesan.

The cheese from the freezer challenge
So, what’s left?
I still need to use up the peaches in a smoothie or in some oatmeal.
I will make a couple of burgers with the ground beef.
I will use the corn to make some quesadillas, which will also use up some more of the tortillas.
I think I’m still gonna need to fry up some of those tortillas as strips to top a salad too, though. There are a lotta corn tortillas there!
And I might use some of the orange juice concentrate in that peach smoothie. 🙂
I’ll do another update next week and maybe, just maybe, I’ll also start a challenge to use up some odds and ends in my chest freezer.
P.S. A key to making freezer challenges successful for me: keeping them low-key, with no rules. Some people don’t allow themselves to buy any groceries during a challenge, but I let myself buy whatever I need to make my freezer foods into delicious meals.
I’m not here to be miserable. 😉
P.P.S. I know we skipped Five Frugal Things this week; it’s because the 4th of July fell on Tuesday. I promise we’ll do one next week.
Sunday 9th of July 2023
You have inspired me to do my own freezer challenge - both freezer + chest freezer are nuts. Like you, I’m not here to be miserable, so I just want to the farmer’s market to buy some delicious vegetables to mix with my freezer situation. Should be very tasty, and was $20.
Saturday 8th of July 2023
You're inspiring me to do a freezer challenge as well. There are a number of bits and bobs in my fridge freezer that need to be used up.
Thursday 6th of July 2023
Thanks to your post, I have been inventorying my freezer and found a lot of items we have forgotten. We are also bringing in our garden which adds stress -but I found some ready-to-eat meals so I can cook when it is cooler (the morning). Today I have leftover cooked stir fry veggies so I cooked some rice - we will re-heat that tonight. I also made stuffed green peppers with the rice, a frozen bag of tomatoes, black beans (already cooked) and Mexican spices. We will eat that tomorrow night. I like this being one day ahead!!
Thursday 6th of July 2023
I can tell how stressed I am by the content of my freezer and pantry. During Covid I stocked up. And then, I continued to stock up. My freezer at bottom of refrig is full and so is my small chest freezer.I can fit no more!! I have to start cooking it all up. Inflation triggered more worries so I kept stocking up as I worked down the contents.On top of that, my husband and I came home from a vacation with Covid and have not been eating this week. Soon as we feel better I will start clearing out my supply. I promise.
Torrie @ To Love and To Learn
Wednesday 5th of July 2023
Your freezer challenges are my favorite! Exactly the motivation I need right now.