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Want to read an interview with me?

Thrift Culture Now interviewed me and posted an article about me and my blog today. I thought you might like to check it out.

And thanks to Thrift Culture Now for including me in their Thrifty Blogger of the Week series. 🙂

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    Tuesday 14th of September 2010

    That was such a great interview! I loved the way it was written. It completely captured your beautiful spirit.


    Monday 13th of September 2010

    Congrats, I enjoyed reading the article too. Thanks for all you do and tell!

    Kelly B

    Saturday 11th of September 2010

    Fabulous interview! I read it from beginning to end. You should be proud of yourself and the motivation you have given to others. :) It was nice reading about your love of your family. :) Truly sweet.

    Ana Fonua

    Saturday 11th of September 2010

    You are so inspiring! Thank you for sharing your life with us about being frugal and that it can be done, it is possible to live such a way of life. You are amazing!


    Saturday 11th of September 2010

    Great interview. I was, however, surprised and disappointed that, even though you mention serving God in your About Me page, you did not mention Him during this interview. Were you told you could not?


    Saturday 11th of September 2010

    Nope! I had a set of questions to answer, and they wrote the article based on my answers. I'm not at all embarrassed or ashamed about my faith, so I have no problem talking about it when questions call for it.

    Hopefully, even when I don't specifically mention it, the light of Christ shines through in what I say and do. :)

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