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Want to see some snow?

Good, because I have some to show you! These are all pictures I took yesterday, while it was still snowing. This morning, it’s sunny, and I may go out and take some more. But for now, these will do.

The swingset.

My deck chairs and table.

My grill. Zoe looked out the sliding glass door and said, “Mommy! Your grill is…tall!”.

My winter compost bucket, looking very wintery.

And it will stay there, looking wintery, for a while, because my compost bin is kind of buried in snow. See it down there?

The black things sticking up at the bottom of the picture? Those are my husband’s windshield wipers. Yeah. It’s kind of deep out there.

This I’m a little sad about. My huge holly tree’s multiple trunks are splayed out in all directions, and I’m not too optimistic about how much they’ll spring back.

Also, the branches have landed on top of the shed, which is maybe not so great. Hopefully no damage has been done.

Happily, I didn’t need to go out in the snow at all yesterday. I stayed inside and cleaned, ironed, took pictures, and did a little baking.

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    deck chairs

    Wednesday 10th of February 2010

    Wow, that is a lot of snow!

    Where I live we are lucky if we get a centimetre for a single day - I love snow so would really like to see this much more often.

    I like the way the snow covers everything in a smooth layer and makes all your garden furniture just appear as vague shapes.


    Tuesday 9th of February 2010

    I am not looking forward to this next wave of snow, it took us long enough to dig out from the last one. I measured 29" at our home across the bridge from you.

    Be careful shoveling out. Let me know when your kids are old enough and ready to earn some extra spending money clearing driveways! LOL! We are all for supporting young entrepreneurs.


    Tuesday 9th of February 2010

    oh, wow! It's snowing again here in TN and I really thought we were getting some! We have had about 4" fall since early afternoon. Nothing to compare with what you have, but quite a bit for this area. This is the 2nd snow in 2 weeks! Snow Cream for all! :D


    Monday 8th of February 2010

    Trying to figure out approximately where you are. I'm a New Englander so am well used to lots of snow. But more recently I have been living in Dublin Ireland and snow is a rare commodity there, as it is in Seattle where I am currently located. Janet


    Tuesday 9th of February 2010

    Oh, I'm in the DelMarVa area that got clobbered with the latest snowstorm. And we are about to get clobbered again! Yikes. I like snow all right, but this is too much!


    Monday 8th of February 2010

    How do you get so much depth in your pictures?? I can't get mine to be anything more than too dark or too bright. And there certainly isn't any texture or depth.


    Monday 8th of February 2010

    Did you try adjusting your exposure at all? I usually up the exposure a bit when I'm taking pictures of snow. Also, I took these when it was overcast and's harder to get texture when it's really bright and sunny.

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