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we jumped and jumped and jumped

Today, we went back down to our sledding hill for some more fun.

This was extra fun because Mr. FG got to come with us (the other two days we went, he was working).

Everything is more fun when the dad is there. 😉

I just would never think to do something fun like throwing snowballs at children while they sled.

There’s a jump at the bottom of the hill, and because of my bruised rib, today I occupied myself by taking pictures of people going off the jump (going over a sledding jump just wouldn’t feel good!).

zoe in saucer

Action shots are not my forte, so this was good practice for me.

Zoe is the most hilarious jumper in the whole family. Something about seeing her bobbing about on her little red saucer just makes you have to laugh!

She manages to hit the jump almost every time.

And it’s not because she steers. She just hangs on for dear life, putting out delighted screams as she sails down the hill.

Joshua is probably the most enthusiastic jumper, though…the more air, the happier he is.

Lisey goes over the jumps quite a bit, but she can’t manage to keep her sled going straight to save her soul.

Pretty much her only hope of going straight is to ride with Joshua, who is a master at steering.

Zoe rode with Joshua too. It’s the only way she’ll ride on something other than the saucer, because one time she went down on the sled by herself and ended up in the bush. “Mama, dat is NOT what I expected!”

Mr. FG went down a number of times too.

He takes this quite seriously, apparently.

Sonia did go down the hill a few times, but then she just watched the rest of us. She doesn’t seem to be a huge sledding fan for some reason.

I love this picture of Zoe because you can just tell that her legs are getting tired of trudging up and down the hill.

And that’s all I have for now.

My apologies to those of you who are really bored by non-frugality content. I should be back with a Q&A post in the morning!

On second though, I suppose all of these pictures have sort of been on-topic. Sledding is good, cheap, low-tech, green, and healthy family fun. I highly recommend it!

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    Friday 11th of February 2011

    Great pictures, thanks for sharing. Some of my favorite times with my son have been sledding, since it only happens here (Seattle) every couple of years! We could go to the mountains to the east of us and be there in only half an hour, but that would require actual effort (and gas!) on my part, so we'll just wait for Mother Nature to bring the fun to us.


    Wednesday 2nd of February 2011

    loved this post. loved the pictures of the family sledding. My son got to go sledding for the first time a couple weeks ago and loved it. Course like Mr. FG, my husband was working and hasn't had the pleasure of sledding yet. But with the way our weather is going, he may just get a chance.


    Monday 31st of January 2011

    what great shots! I think you may include action in your forte now. and totally agree, sledding cheap, free and highly memorable. very frugal!


    Monday 31st of January 2011

    What a good looking talented family.

    The Environmental Goddess

    Monday 31st of January 2011

    Good job on the action shots! Have you tried following the person as they pass to blur the background? It's called panning, and it's great fun!


    Monday 31st of January 2011

    I haven't done much with that...I've read about it, but not given it a try. I don't do a lot of action shooting, so I don't get much practice! lol

    I used the AI servo focus setting for these and that helped a lot.

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