Cranberry Bread

For today, I’m going to share my mom’s cranberry bread recipe, which is quite similar to Cook’s except that it has less fat and less liquid.


– All-Purpose Flour – Sugar – Baking powder – Baking soda – Salt – Egg – Hot Water – Orange Juice – Butter


First, you’ll want to combine the dry ingredients in a large bowl.

Step: 1

In a separate bowl, combine the wet ingredients. Add the wet ingredients to the dry ingredients. Mix gently until the two are just combined.

Step: 2

Step: 3

Next, gently fold in your chopped cranberries. I chop mine in the food processor, but you can also do it by hand.

Step: 4

Scrape the batter into a greased loaf pan. The recipes calls for a 9×5 inch pan, but mine is more like 10×5.

Swipe up for the full recipe