Easy, Ridiculously Good Roasted Carrots

Steamed carrots are ok, but now I know that they just cannot hold a candle to roasted carrots. Roasting makes them so sweet, you’d swear you sprinkled on some sugar along with the salt and pepper.


– Pounds carrots – Unsalted butter – Salt – Black pepper


To make ’em, first heat your oven up to 425 ° F. Then peel your carrots (or don’t, especially if they’re organic).

Step: 1

Toss the carrots in a bowl with butter, salt, and pepper. If you can’t eat butter, I’m sure you could use another fat, like coconut or olive oil.

Step: 2

Step: 3

Next, line a rimmed baking sheet with parchment paper* and arrange carrots on the pan in an even layer. Cover the whole pan tightly with aluminum foil.

Step: 4

Bake for 15 minutes, and then remove the foil. The carrots should be nice and steamed, and now they’re ready for browning.

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