How to Make Easy Pita Bread

Besides being an impressive skill, pita-bread-baking will also allow you to eat pita bread that is far more tasty than the stuff you can buy at the grocery store.


– Flour – Active dry yeast – Milk – Sugar – Salt – Butter or Oil


In a large mixer bowl, combine 2 cups of the flour and the yeast. Heat milk, sugar, salt, butter to 115-120 ° F. Add to dry mixture and beat 3 minutes.

Step: 1

Place dough in bowl, cover, and let rise 45 minutes. Punch dough down, cover, and let rest 10 minutes. Preheat oven to 400 ° F.

Step: 2

Step: 3

Divide dough into 16 pieces and form each into a ball. Let balls rest 5 minutes, then roll each into a 7-8 inch round.

Step: 4

To make a pita, roll out a dough ball into a flat circle. At first, it’ll seem like you can only make it stretch to a few inches.

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