How to Make the Best Fried Cornmeal Mush

Cornmeal mush is initially plain and unappealing, but when cooled, sliced, and fried, it becomes a crispy, buttery, and flavorful dish.


– Cornmeal – Water – Salt – Butter


First, bring 2 3/4 cups water to boiling. While the water is coming to a boil, mix the cornmeal and salt with 1 cup water, to make a sort of cornmeal slurry.

Step: 1

Pour the hot cornmeal mixture into an ungreased 4×6 inch loaf pan, and let cool for several hours. It can even sit in the fridge overnight if you like.

Step: 2

Step: 3

When the cornmeal mush is completely cool, it’ll be firm enough to turn out onto a cutting board.

Step: 4

Heat up a skillet or griddle, add a generous amount of butter, and then slice the mush and place the slices in the butter to fry.

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