Zucchini Salad

An awful lot of zucchini recipes are of the baking sort, and while I do have two of those to share with you, first I wanted to share something slightly less predictable (and more healthy!).

It was one of the first zucchini recipes I’d tried where I actually enjoyed the zucchini. Anyways, here’s the not-very-specific recipe.

– Zucchini – Cherry tomatoes – Onion – Canola oil – Sugar – White wine vinegar – Garlic



In a medium-sized bowl, combine: – Zucchini – Cherry tomatoes – Onion

Step: 1

For the dressing, combine: – Canola oil – Sugar – White wine vinegar – Garlic – Salt

Step: 2

Step: 3

Pour dressing over the vegetables, and refrigerate for several hours.

Step: 4

Just before serving, mix in: – Cubed cheese – Basil leaves

Swipe up for the full recipe