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What $9.50 will buy you.

That is, if you happen to be shopping at Goodwill.


New in package necklace: $3


Ruby Rox dress: $6.50


It’s such a pity, isn’t it? The way that frugal people can never have nice things. A crying shame, really.

(large thanks to my son for once again exercising his photography skills so that I could come out from behind the camera!)

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    Sarah Godwin

    Wednesday 13th of April 2011

    Very cute! I just hit a great consignment sale last Saturday and bought most of what was on my list of needs for the kids for this year. Yay! (I'm very proud of myself for sticking to my list. I just adore cute little baby things, but I resisted most of them, w/ the exception of a pair of frivolous velvet shoes @ $1.75.) One pair of sandals, two winter coats, and 4t jeans to go and I should be done shopping for a while. Well, I might need a couple of larger maternity items in the next few months. My slightly older than last time body is spreading differently this time. Bummer!

    The Frugal Girl » Especially for Katy | What I really look like when I hang laundry (and bake).

    Thursday 19th of November 2009

    [...] really posted pictures of myself dressed up. And so, lest you think I float through life wearing spaghetti strap dresses, I’m posting two real-life pictures today (props to Joshua for being my staff [...]


    Thursday 20th of August 2009

    Cute! First time I'm seeing the highlights and I like, I really like!


    Wednesday 19th of August 2009

    Great deal! It looks good on you!


    Wednesday 19th of August 2009

    Very pretty, Kristen! I love it. :)

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