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What I Spent, What We Ate | $150. Oh yeah.

What I Spent

I spent $150.78 this week, but I only have a photo of my $63.40 Aldi trip.

aldi groceries

I got a produce box delivery, though, and also made two other smaller stops.

July Spending

Week 1: $189.96

Week 2: $212

Week 3: $150.78

What We Ate


I made chicken tacos. We had guacamole and chips with those, because of course.

grilled chicken tacos


Mr. FG met us at the pool after work, where we ate BLT salad.

BLT salad


I made a shrimp stir-fry with squash, red peppers, and onions, and we ate that over rice.

stir fry


Mr. FG was out having dinner with our pastor, and the kids and I had buttermilk pancakes.

buttermilk pancakes on griddle

(This is the griddle I have; recommended by Cook’s Illustrated, of course.)


Pizza night!   It’s supposed to be another hot day, so I may very well opt for grilled pizza again this week.   A 500 ° oven just sounds so bad right now.

grilled pizza

What were the eats like at your house this week?


P.S. Joshua and I have FINALLY gotten off of our rears and dusted off our 52 project.   Here’s hoping we can manage to keep it up. 😉

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    Friday 29th of July 2016

    I spent $80.00 on groceries for 2 weeks. YUP $80.00. I got fresh chicken legs .59 cents a pound ( I stocked up), ground beef $1.53 a pound (I stocked up), pork chops .99 cents a pound (I stocked up), salad stuff. I got limes, strawberries, milk ,cheese, big tortillas. I got eggs at .77 cents for 18 I bought 8 packs of them.

    I went to Big Lots and found stuff cheap. I got peanut butter, I got muffin mixes like Krusteaz Cranberry and Lemon Quick Bread Mixes for a buck. I got Annie's fruit snacks for .50 cents I got English Muffins for 1.60 cents which is cheap where I live and I got bagels 12 for $1.60 ( I kinda stocked up) So for 80.00 for a family of three plus grandchildren I think it is pretty good! Oh and I got a nice big back brush for a buck and 4 bars of shea butter and coconut soap for $1.90!

    cathy Eller

    Monday 25th of July 2016

    We'd starve before I spent that much on groceries. My budget is 40.00 every two weeks. There are two of us and we live in Kentucky. Having a salad and fresh veggies are a luxury we can't afford. I'm glad you can afford it, but, be realistic on how you budget. Not everyone can afford to spend more than half their paycheck on food.


    Monday 25th of July 2016

    I hope I didn't say anywhere that my grocery budget is what is right for everyone. :) When my kids were littler, we got by on a smaller budget, but right now, they are older and hungrier, and thankfully, we do have the income to support a larger grocery budget now.

    But good for you for living within your means!


    Sunday 24th of July 2016

    After I read your post, I did an inventory of our freezer. I have everything to make chicken tacos, thanks for the inspiration!


    Sunday 24th of July 2016

    Yay! A chicken taco night is always a good one.


    Sunday 24th of July 2016

    This is a late comment but I enjoyed reading everyone's menus. I live alone in Anchorage, Ak where groceries & especially produce are a bit high. I do have a Costco membership as it only works out to being $4.50 monthly & it's worth it to me as I buy a lot of their large bags of frozen fruits for smoothies (The strawberries & blueberries!) & mixed veggies. Also I like their fresh fruits such as apples & bananas as they come in relatively small packages. I recently got 2, 2lb packages of Ranier cherries that were so good I ate them in 3 days straight! (Hadn't had fresh cherries in years). I eat very simple meals with a lot of repetition, will admit. It's been warm for Anchorage, up to nearly 80 degrees! ( I can hear you all laughing) I don't have a vehicle & walk to a Safeway 2 blocks from my apt & use a "roller tote bag" to haul home my groceries a couple times weekly. Last week they had a deal if you bought $50.00 in groceries you'd get a $10.00 discount & the same thing with $5.00 off a $25.00 purchase. My food budget is about $60.00 weekly & that's being careful. I was able to get $75.00 worth of groceries for $60.00 so stocked up a bit. Also I use the store club card & actually paid $35.00 for $80.00 worth of groceries, admittedly including some "treat items".....The cashier said she was impressed... I am "mostly" vegetarian with occasional salmon etc. Grew up that way so it's easy. I do like Morningstar Farms vege foods when they are on sale. Those are considered "treat items". Silver salmon is in season right now but is still $9.99 lb in grocery stores. I occasionally get some & cook enough for 2 meals, (1 lb) with a baked potato & green vegetable. My favorite meal in the summer! I never eat out. (1 or 2 times yearly maybe) Anyway, thanks for all the meal ideas!

    Randi MacDonald

    Monday 25th of July 2016

    Alaska is expensive. Great job on the budget.


    Sunday 24th of July 2016

    Cherries are so good! I think they're especially tasty because we only get them for a short while each year.


    Friday 22nd of July 2016

    A week for the slow cooker (every day but today): Monday - cooks country swedish meatballs with noodles and Asian coleslaw and lots of fruit Tuesday - Swedish meatballs and noodles again this time but with zucchini and squash fried up with lemon juice and a sprinkle of parmesan cheese. Wednesday- chili with cornbread cooked in the toaster oven Thursday - repeat of Wednesday Friday- pizza we had in our freezer. I've been caring for sick kiddos since Wednesday and I'm pushing the easy button whenever I can. The kids and I were supposed to go to my parents' for a few nights this week and the trip was canceled due to illness. I'm pleased we managed to eat from our pantry/freezer the whole time even with the change of plans.

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