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What I Spent, What We Ate | It’s Lisey’s birthday week!

I spent $138 at the grocery store and I did not take pictures.

That seems to be a theme this week.   I forgot to take a picture of my new recipe and I didn’t take a grocery picture either.

Who even am I??

I got a $15 box of produce, and I DID take a picture of that.   Yay me!

My produce box is reclaimed food from Hungry Harvest, a company that delivers in the middle east coast area of the U.S.

(not affiliated!)

So, I’m at $153 for the week.

Which definitely puts me on the high side for March.   I’m at $710 right now, and I just realized that March really works out to be a five-weeks-of-shopping month.

That means I have one more week of grocery money to spend.

March Spending

Week 1: $194

Week 2: $147

Week 3: $216

Week 4: $153

What We Ate


I babysat for my brother and sister-in-law (well, for their three kids, specifically!), and I left my family to fend for themselves. 😉


This was the night I made the mushroom/beef/cabbage stir fry.


Mr. FG and I had a music rehearsal to be at, so my kids fended for themselves.   I wasn’t hungry, but we stopped at got Mr. FG a sub after rehearsal.


I made a pot of chicken noodle soup, plus we had a green salad and some garlic bread that I made with a loaf of French bread from the freezer.

homemade chicken noodle soup


We’re having Lisey’s birthday celebration!   Woo!

She’s chosen chicken and waffles, and since we’re going to pick up the chicken from a local place, I’m just providing the waffles.

(Buttermilk waffles, of course.)

Your turn!

What did you eat this week?


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    Ms. Frugal Asian Finance

    Saturday 1st of April 2017

    I always love look at your meal photos. You have such great photography skills!

    Your food budget also inspires me to cut down on our grocery bills. Keep up the great work!


    Monday 27th of March 2017

    I am so excited...I have been tracking my food shopping totals for the past few months. I usually come very close to meeting my "budget" but do have a tendency to go over a bit but this month I am actually under!

    I think the trick for me is to buy my meat for the month at once (I buy bulk from BJ's) and then I base the rest of my weekly meals by what is on sale at my local food store/farmers market.

    This weeks menu will be:

    Sunday: Chili with white rice Monday: Chili Lime Chicken (grilled) with mashed potatoes and corn on the cob. Tuesday: Out with a friend so no cooking....everybody is on their own. Wednesday: Sausage and Peppers with garlic bread Thursday: Pasta with meatballs and garden salad Friday: Pizza

    My total for this month is $197 and this weeks total was $28. I feed 3 adults.

    Alison R

    Saturday 25th of March 2017

    No total for groceries but here is the meal rundown!

    M- Baked chicken, brown rice w/ veggies, fruit T- Meatloaf, scalloped potatoes, green beans, rolls W- Broiled shrimp, pasta salad, fruit T- Baked pork chops, stuffing, applesauce F- Sloppy Joes on wheat buns, fruit, carrot sticks S- Baked pork loin, leftover (individual chooses) scalloped potatoes or stuffing or moodle, fruit S- Leftovers??


    Saturday 25th of March 2017

    First of all, I am so sorry about the loss of your grandpa. It is so hard to lose a grandparent.

    On a happier note, happy birthday to Lisey! Mmmm . . . chicken and waffles.

    This coming week I will be over-budget because I made an extra trip to Trader Joe's. Even though there is one just a few blocks from my work, I only go there a few times a year because the parking lot of the shopping center is always a complete madhouse - so much so that I avoid whenever possible. But I was running low on my TJ's supplies. I like their olive oil, the dried fruit and nuts, the cheese selection, 3-buck chuck which I use as cooking wine, jasmine rice, etc. Oh and the dark chocolate covered pretzels (those are a staple, right?).

    Anyway . . . This week was a litttle weird. I didn't stick to my menu plan, but I did eat mostly at home so points for that.

    Saturday - left over pizza from the night before. Sunday - Pork chop and my new recipe of the week- Jacque Pepin's broccoli and brown rice stew, which I adapted to use asparagas instead of broccoli and added less liquid so it turned out more like a risotto than a stew. However, I am still getting the hang of cooking brown rice and so even though the veg was added toward the end (I thought), the asparagus had turned to mush by the time the rice was done so it wasn't great. Live and learn. Monday - leftovers from Sunday Tuesday - A can of chicken noodle soup and a cup of hot chocoalte because it was cold. And sometimes my tastes lean towards the tastes of a 10-year old. Wednesday - It was taco night! This time ground beef on corn tortillas. Thursday - Chicken chili Friday - I picked up a sub sandwich.


    Saturday 25th of March 2017

    Chicken and Waffles sounds amazing! Friday - a knock off version of a Buttermilk Fried Chicken salad from a fav restaurant Thursday - Pesto chicken, carrots (oven meal) Wednesday - Sausage/Spinach cresent roll bake Tuesday and Monday I can't even remember, and I am so far off the menus I posted on the fridge. I think one of the days I fixed scrambled eggs and bacon. Sunday was a roast in the crock pot Tonight we will see what we feel like eating at dinnetime. I am off at noon and we are visiting a couple of wineries. (:

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