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What I Spent, What We Ate

What I Spent

I spent $144.95 at the grocery store, plus $33 on my produce box, for a total of $177.95 this week.

I came down with a cold this week, so, you get a boring grocery picture.   I was doing well just to get groceries, let alone arrange them for a helpful photo.   😉


Thankfully, the exhaustion has left and now I’m just congested.

Which is better than being congested AND exhausted.

March Spending

(last year’s average was $200/week)

Week one: $220

Week two: $87

Week three: $177.95

What We Ate


I made a Japanese pork and noodle soup, plus some buttermilk biscuits.

(I know! Such a traditional accompaniment to Japanese soup.   We are nothing if not authentic around here.)

Japanese Pork Ramen soup


Mr. FG and I had bought a dinner Groupon that was about to expire, and we couldn’t have THAT happen.

So, we had a mid-week date night.

(Reason #45843948573 that having teenagers is awesome.)

I rummaged through the freezer to round up a meal for the kids.   They had applesauce, stuffed shells,and I made a batch of no-knead batter rolls.


I really really did not feel like cooking this night, but I tried a new recipe from my Cook’s Country magazine for quick Cuban sandwiches.   They were tasty and it WAS a super easy recipe, so I don’t deserve a lot of credit for cooking.   😉

pork cubans

We had chips and fruit with our sandwiches.


We had a rehearsal, so we ate an early, easy, breakfast-for-dinner meal of buttermilk pancakes.

buttermilk pancakes with peaches

I wish I could tell you that we had them with peaches, but alas, it is not the season for peaches yet.   This photo is from that magical peach-filled month, August.


I made the dough last night, so I’m committed to making Thin Crust pizza for dinner tonight.

thin crust pizza

And that wraps up our week!

How were the eats at your house this week? And are you managing to stick to your grocery budget?

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    M. Plimier

    Wednesday 23rd of March 2016

    This is for the person who has to feed three adults on a $200 a month:

    At one time my employer refused (illegally) to pay me for 18 months. I had a mortgage and two adult children at University.

    So, I went to the wholesale grocers and bought large amounts of basic food, such as 100 lbs of whole wheat flour, 50 lbs of peanut butter, 50 lbs of oatmeal, dry milk, brown rice and so forth.

    We planted a vegetable garden. We ate vegetarian. We home-made everything. Friday night was home made pizza and homemade beer. We loved our end of week treat!

    My spending at the grocery store dropped to an average of $50 a month for three adults. This was for stuff like oil.

    Sometimes, but not others, it was fun, but we ate healthily and never got sick during that time.

    Good luck!


    Saturday 19th of March 2016

    I'm curious. Could I make the thin crust pizza dough in a mixer? I don't have a food processor and my husband loves thin crust pizza.


    Saturday 19th of March 2016

    Yes, I think you could. I'd just let it mix for several minutes, vs. the minute or so required in the food processor.

    Stephanie L

    Saturday 19th of March 2016

    Last week is a blur! This week we have at least two days where we're working from morning to midnight (and, amen, then some time off).

    Since we're so sporadic/unplannable this week: Tonight is grilled fish with jerk seasoning, mango avocado salsa, and corn on the cob. Tomorrow I'm making the Cooking Light fire & ice ham, green beans, and sweet potato for dinner. We'll have extra ham for leftovers. I'm making an asparagus/mushroom crustless quiche for breakfasts or lunches; also shredded salsa chicken, with the remaining poblano from tonight's dinner. The cheese leftover from the quiche can also be used for ham sandwiches and shredded chicken tacos. That won't get us entirely through but it's a start.


    Saturday 19th of March 2016

    So glad some time off is around the corner for you!


    Saturday 19th of March 2016

    So I spent a lot and, well, we are a lot!! My nearly five year old confirmed she thinks she's growing;) I think my weeks groceries were about $230 which is a bit high for us but I also bought some extras to serve at my schools open house night Wednesday.

    We ate turkey burgers with veggie pasta salad and melon,

    Turkey corn chili with corn muffins,

    BBQ chicken from ATK with baked beans from the freezer and salad,

    maple Dijon pork with cauliflower gratin, Apple pear sauce and barley risotto from the freezer,

    Spaghetti with sausage and red sauce and veggies with ranch dip, and fruit salad

    Last night was pizza and veggies with ranch and some canned tropical fruit

    Not too bad when I see it written out:) I'll need to shop (again!) today and I'll head to the farm to pick up a winter produce share and some dairy.

    Kristen, I tried your marmalade coconut oat bars and while delicious they totally crumbled into a soft granola rather than a bar...any thoughts?


    Saturday 19th of March 2016

    Hmm. Did you use old-fashioned oats by any chance? That could cause crumbling. Another possible culprit is under-baking.


    Friday 18th of March 2016

    This menu is for my husband, our 5 year old, our 3 year old and me.

    Monday - sausage, sun-dried tomatoes and cheesy rice bake with fruit Tuesday - tacos on flour tortillas, sour cream, avocados, fruit Wednesday- homemade pizza with Edamame. One deep dish pepperoni (cooks country recipe) and one regular - pepperoni, salami, mushroom and onion (FG recipe of course!), served with edamame Thursday - leftover pizza and another bag of edamame Friday- we decided to buy a new sink for our kitchen today since my husband needed to take apart the sink to replace our faucet. My husband was still installing during dinner time. So dinner plans changed a bit. Store bought pasta salads for my husband and kids, tuna sandwich for me.


    Friday 18th of March 2016

    Mmm, yes, it's hard to cook with no running water!

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