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What I Spent, What We Ate

What I Spent

My first trip was to Costco, where I spent $129.21.

costco groceries

The frozen fruit is for smoothies, and that should last us for a number of weeks.   One gallon of milk was for drinking, and I made yogurt with the other.

Oh, and for those of you who always ask if I include toiletries: notice the contact solution there! 🙂

I also made a regular grocery shopping trip, where I spent $114.68.


And lastly, it was a produce box week, and that cost $33. I completely forgot to take a photograph of it, though!

It contained spinach, broccoli, citrus fruits, bananas, corn, tomatoes, and probably several other things that I’m forgetting at the moment.

Anyway, this week’s total is $276.89.  

That’s quite a bit higher than usual, but luckily, I underspent last week, which means I’m still in good shape.

May Spending

Week 1: $104.66

Week 2: $276.89

What We Ate


I made a pan of Shrimp Viennese and we had a green salad to go with that.

shrimp viennese


I tried a recipe from my Cook’s Country magazine: pan-seared chicken thighs and a side dish of potato cubes with chorizo and spinach.

potatoes with chorizo

The potato cubes were really good, but I felt like the chicken was pretty boring, even though I’d salted it earlier in the day.   Next time, I’ll marinade or brine it.

I also made a mango/strawberry/pear/apple fruit salad.   Totally delicious, largely due to the perfect mango from my box of Costco mangoes.


We had turkey and pepper jack paninis (from Cook’s Country!), a spinach/strawberry salad (like this one, basically), and veggie chips from Aldi.

cooks country recipe cards


I made chipotle chicken kebabs and an orzo salad (erm, from Cook’s Country. I’m kind of on a roll with that magazine!).


My kiddos are all going to be at sleepovers, so I will pick up something for just the two of us.


What did you eat this week?

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    Wednesday 18th of May 2016

    A brand new Aldi's opened this past weekend near our house, so my hubby & I went to check it out last night! Yipeeeeee! It will be my go to store with a new Winco also nearby for things Aldi's may not have. I'll still use the other store's ads to get deals on meat. I have been using $1.99 per lb. for buying meat since the mid 1990's & it's still possible to do with meats on sale. I remember you buying toilet paper at Aldi's so I am trusting that it's good. I can't wait to stock my shelves with items from Aldi's.


    Wednesday 18th of May 2016

    Yay! I'm so glad you have one now. So awesome.

    Some of the TP at Aldi is super I buy the medium grade one that they have, and it's great.

    Mrs. Picky Pincher

    Sunday 15th of May 2016

    Omg these recipes look delicious! We just got back from the store after vowing to try more vegetarian dishes, and our grocery bill was much lower as a result. Woop woop!


    Saturday 14th of May 2016

    Monday- my 3 year old and I were the only ones home, so we had leftovers and I baked a sweet potato, which he loved. Tuesday - Frugal Girl chicken hibachi with yum yum sauce, brown rice ramen, and Madras lentils Wednesday - repeat of Tuesday Thursday - my favorite meal - medley of five homemade cold salads plus bruschetta. Thai quinoa with edamame, carrots, red peppers, cucumbers, and peanuts. Farro with kale, broccoli, sun-dried tomatoes and apricots. Peanut Thai chicken. Curry chicken salad. Bruschetta pasta salad. The veggie ones were share with a family friend that just had a baby. Friday - tacos and watermelon Saturday - leftovers Sunday - Frugal Girl pizza plus cooks country pan pizza. Love it!

    Happy weekend to all!


    Saturday 14th of May 2016

    Brown rice AND ramen. I'm not sure if brown rice ramen exists. :)


    Saturday 14th of May 2016

    Italian grammar nazi alert: "panini" is already plural. :)

    Yesterday I made just for myself some sort of zucchini-smoked salmon... uhm? Burgers? Couldn't really keep them together but they were tasty! I love experimenting with zucchini for myself, since my husband hates them.


    Monday 16th of May 2016

    You know, I've wondered about that before! Thanks for telling me.


    Saturday 14th of May 2016

    Spent about $230 this week which is our grand total so far for the month. Will shop today and since I'm headed to DC for a few days at the end of the week I'll try to stick up for DH and the kids...

    Sunday- roasted chicken and potatoes, carrots and onions, rolls, applesauce Monday-pasta with meat sauce, salad Tuesday-broccoli cheese frittata and sausage Wednesday-curry tofu and cauliflower over coconut rice Thursday- chicken and bacon salads with ATK corn fritters Friday- homemade pizza and veggie slices, fruit plate, cookies Tonight- probably grilled burgers and dogs with loaded pasta salad and assorted pickled veggies

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