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What I Spent, What We Ate | Tonsillectomy Week

What I Spent

This was kind of a weird shopping week, partly because Mr. FG and I were gone last weekend, and partly because Lisey got her tonsils out on Wednesday.

The first shopping I did was a trip with Lisey to buy all sorts of tonsillectomy-friendly foods before her surgery (plus a few normal groceries for the rest of us.   I spent $75.69.

tonsillectomy shopping trip

We bought a unusual number of individually packaged soft foods and drinks (pudding, applesauce, yogurt, drinks, etc.)

Normally I avoid that kind of thing like the plague, but the individual packages are working out well for Lisey, since she can’t eat much at one time.   Even a single little package of pudding is several servings for her.

And it’s not like I have a recovering tonsillectomy patient at my house every week, either, so we shopped with abandon.   😉   We’ll be back to our less-packaged shopping in a week or two.

Let’s see…I also bought chicken from the organic market ($12.74), plus I made a small stop at the local store ($6.89.)

And lastly, I made a trip today which was mostly to buy food to bring to a baby shower.   Does that fall under my own personal grocery budget?   I’m not sure!

Aldi bridal shower food

Anyway, I spent $48.64, ($39.26 of which was supplies to make fruit skewers and a big cheese/cracker tray).

That puts me at $143.96 for the week, so I’m in good shape.

May Spending

Week 1: $104.66

Week 2: $276.89

Week 3: $143.96

What We Ate


I made sloppy joes and we ate them on store-bought buns.   We also had steamed broccoli (topped with cheese), and I feel like we had some kind of fruit too, but memory escapes me.

homemade sloppy joes


This was the night before Lisey’s surgery, so we took the family out to eat at a sandwich shop, for one last not-soft-food meal.

And we had the thin mint cookies from Aldi for dessert.

(It clearly wouldn’t make sense to go out for ice cream! You can have all the smooth, frozen desserts you want after a tonsillectomy.)


This was Lisey’s surgery day.   We were only gone for half the day, and I made a pot of clam chowder for the five of us (Lisey was doing well to sip water.)

clam chowder

I had a small stash of very wrinkly red potatoes to use, so I peeled and cubed them, soaked them in water for a bit to rehydrate them, and then followed the recipe as usual. Perfect!

We had purchased bagels with our soup, and also sliced oranges.


I grilled some bratwurst from the freezer because I seriously needed an easy meal.   I’m not the one who had my tonsils out, but I am tired from giving medicine doses in the middle of the night.   😉


I made guacamole too, which we ate with tortilla chips, and we had a fruit salad.


Status: still tired.   Not making pizza.   Definitely ordering it instead.


So.   That’s the update from tonsillectomy central.

What did YOU eat this week?

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    Tuesday 24th of May 2016

    We often cook bulk cook and then eat the same meal 2 nights running, hence the double ups of meals, not typos here :) We are also vegan, which keeps our shopping costs way down. Monday: One Pot Chilli Pasta Tuesday: Dal Makhani Wednesday: Dal Makhani Thursday: African Peanut Stew Friday: African Peanut Stew Saturday: Lentil loaf with baked potatoes, baked pumpkin, steamed brocoli and corn cobs Sunday: Fried Rice Hope your little one is feeling better now.


    Monday 23rd of May 2016

    Sunday - pork chop/corn on the cob/rolls/garden salad Monday-taco bake/watermelon/garden salad Tuesday-leftovers Wednesday-mushroom stroganoff/broccoli Thursday-meatballs with something Friday-chicken stir-fry with broccoli & carrots/brown rice Saturday-the "Yellow-Orange Meal" squash ravioli/cantaloupe/roasted carrots/corn muffins


    Monday 23rd of May 2016

    We had "leftovers week" last week, and I truly can't remember most of our meals by day or even what went with what exactly. I know we finished off the hotdogs and beans, the sausage and potato casserole, and most of the roast beef. We had veggies in there, too -- roasted golden beets, rutabaga, salads (our lettuce is about too bitter to eat anymore, so we are using it up), fresh green beans from the store plus a few from our vines, mashed garlic potatoes, carrot and celery sticks, and, not a veggie, but still one of my favorite side dishes, fried apples. Oh, and one night I served warm bread spread with a yummy and spicy minced garlic and garlic chive butter, the garlic chives being from our plants. I had made a loaf of homemade bread using freshly ground wheat from the new-to-me wheat mill. It was sooooo good. Best wishes on Lisey's recovery!


    Monday 23rd of May 2016

    Bless you! I don't have anything to add because my meals this week were pretty crappy. I at least wanted to say I have been thinking about Lisey and hope for a speedy recovery.


    Monday 23rd of May 2016

    Thank you!


    Monday 23rd of May 2016

    I hope that she is recovering well. I know you don't like to post TOO much personal stuff, but I was hoping to hear another small update!! I totally sympathize with her. Just had mine out last year.


    Monday 23rd of May 2016

    I just posted a little update on her! Thanks for thinking of her. :)

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