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What I Spent, What We Ate | A very freezer-ful week

What I Spent

I skipped my Hungry Harvest this week because I was starting to get a little backlog of veggies. I love that it’s so easy to skip deliveries when this happens!

(If you want to try Hungry Harvest, you can get $5 off if you sign up through my referral link.)

And I only spent $92 at the grocery store this week, partially because I used a lot of freezer ingredients for our meals.

January Grocery Spending

Week 1: $115

Week 2: $92

What We Ate

It was a very freezer-challenge-centric week for dinners at our house, as you will see!


We were at a belated Christmas gathering with my side of the family.  We usually just do a bunch of appetizers when we all get together because that’s simpler with so many people (10 adults and 17 grandchildren if we are all there).


Anyway, I brought pigs in a blanket, because I’m gourmet like that.


Mr. FG and I made breakfast for dinner together, partially to use up the frozen OJ for my freezer challenge!

We made buttermilk waffles, fried up some local sausage, and made a batch of Orange Julius.


I made Korean beef lettuce wraps, with frozen potstickers on the side (the potstickers were from my freezer challenge.)


I cooked up the tortellini from my freezer challenge, topped it with sauce from the freezer, and pan-fried the frozen chicken sausage to put on top.



I thawed the mahi mahi and scallops and pan fried them in butter. 

I baked some canned crescent rolls (extras I bought from making pigs in a blanket) and made a green salad as well.


I thawed the chicken pieces and used them to make cast-iron fried chicken.

We also had buttermilk biscuits and a green salad.


I think it’s going to just be Mr. FG and me tonight, so I will have to chat with him about what we want to eat. Maybe we’ll do a date night. 😉

What did you eat for dinner this week?

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    Monday 14th of January 2019

    We had soup this week- Butternut Squash & Tomato (one recipe!), veggie, and Vegan Cabbage Roll soup. It's been bitterly cold, and now we have snow, so this has been perfect. We also had Rice Cooker Spanish Rice with Soyrizo stirred in, which is a favorite with three of us and too spicy for one of us (so she had leftover soup and a grilled cheese!).


    Sunday 13th of January 2019

    I made your buttermilk biscuits for the first time today and they worked well! Sort of like a scone but not quite. I was making buttermilk pancakes and wanted something else that used buttermilk. The pancake mix will freeze. If I wanted to freeze the biscuits what stage would be possible or work best?


    Monday 14th of January 2019

    I think you can freeze them shaped and unbaked...I'd shape them, freeze them on the cookie sheet until they're solid, and then remove them from the sheet and store in them in a ziploc bag until you're ready to bake them.


    Saturday 12th of January 2019

    Saturday Meatloaf with tater tots Friday Subway subs that were left over from work & spinach salad with pickles in it Thursday salad, eggs, sausage and bagels Wednesday leftover soup and fried chicken Tuesday Chicken noodle soup Monday Turkey paninis, salad I did add a bunch of veggies to the chicken soup, I kind of feel like we don't eat enough veggies in a week.


    Saturday 12th of January 2019

    Monday: Chili at my parents' house Tuesday: Cheeseburgers, tater tots, broccoli with cheese Wednesday: Tacos Thursday: Chicken breast, roasted butternut squash and sweet potato, salad Friday: Sloppy joes, asparagus, mashed potatoes/cauliflower

    My dad got an extra deer this year and gave it to us (yay!!!!!) so there's a lot of venison in our future. My 4yo loves cheeseburgers and was so excited for the deer burgers on Tuesday! :)

    Hawaii Planner

    Friday 11th of January 2019

    We ate: so much leftover salmon, chili (while skiing), an unexpected dinner out when we got caught in a snowstorm, my son made a 4 course meal for a cooking class he's taking, & then finally a chicken fiesta one pot skillet meal. For tonight, homemade pizza!

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