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What I Spent, What We Ate | Too hot for the oven

What I Spent

After weeks of not doing a bang-up job of grocery shopping, I did actually do an honest-to-goodness shop.

aldi avocados are the best

The upside is that we have more food in the house.   The downside is that I spent $212, which is more than usual.

(Apologies for the lack of a grocery photo!)

July Spending

Week 1: $189.96

Week 2: $212

What We Ate


I grilled citrus-marinated chicken, and I made a chorizo/potato/spinach side dish, pictured below.

potatoes with chorizo


I grilled some chicken sausages from Costco, and I cannot remember what we had with them!


I had a haircut at 6:00, so I made a pan of chicken enchiladas for the kids to throw in the oven while I was gone.


The kids ate buttermilk pancakes early before we went to rehearsal.   And after rehearsal, I made a pork chop and some potato cubes for Mr. FG.   Plus sliced kiwi.


I know this is nothing to those of you who live in the desert but, it’s been in the mid to upper 90s this week, which means it feels wayyy too hot to turn the oven on to 500 °.

So, I’m thinking maybe I should dust off my grilled pizza recipe. I may end up melting while I grill, but at least the heat will be outdoors.

grilled pizza________________

What’s been on the table at your house this week?

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    Monday 18th of July 2016

    Hi Kristen! I notice in your shopping posts that you typically have a range of items (frozen, canned, fresh). How do you determine which you buy? Do you typically go for fresh whenever possible? Or are there some things you always get that are canned and frozen?

    I'm finding I'm not a huge fan of frozen veggies, and the cans take up a ton of space. But fresh doesn't have nearly as long of a shelf life and I'm going shopping more often than I like.

    How do you balance these? Have you ever thought about it?


    Tuesday 19th of July 2016

    I pretty much never buy canned veggies (except for tomato products), and I rarely buy frozen ones either. Veggies are just better fresh!

    I buy frozen fruit mainly for use in smoothies. And I keep a can or two of things like mandarin oranges around to throw in fruit salads or in green salads. And then other than that, I use fresh fruit.


    Saturday 16th of July 2016

    Thrilled that the hubby cooked M-F. We had salads and fruit at every meal. Monday - Panini's using left over sliced turkey Tuesday - Broccoli with noodles and cheese Wednesday - Bacon but I don't recall what with Thursday - used up rest of bacon with burgers and cheese Friday - open house - someone made meatballs with sweet and sour sauce (Yum!!) they also made a bean (we all thought it was chili but he said it wasn't) dish with hamburg, pinto beans, lima beans, tomato chunks & kidney beans it was delish! Today - didn't want to heat the house up so I made a whole roaster in a pressure cooker then threw it on the grill for 10 minutes. It was so moist. We had cucumber salad, noodles and fried green beans.


    Saturday 16th of July 2016

    I wish it was in the 90s here in the West. Try more like 105 ;-)

    This was definitely a bad week in meal planning. The weather always throws you for a loop.

    Sunday - Out to dinner night Monday - Swedish meatballs with stir fry zucchini from the garden Tuesday - crockpot pulled pork with cabbage salad Wednesday - leftovers Thursday - went out to dinner AGAIN Friday - grilled hamburgers and side salad

    Jessica S

    Saturday 16th of July 2016

    I know I cooked on Sunday because the husband was leaving for work trip the next day.. I cannot recall what I cooked though... Monday I made BLT's for the kids and I, served with lots of fresh fruit. Tuesday we went to the water park and took PBJ, pretzles, cookies and fruits. They were Starving but I made them suffer on the way home.. grilled the remainder of a package of beef patties and served with leftover bacon, fresh fruits and veggies... Weds- It had cooled some.. since I watched the weather and knew this was coming I defrosted a meatloaf I had in freezer. baked that and served with corn and buttered noodles. Thurs- kids are leftover meatloaf and fruit...I ate a bowl of mixed fruits Friday- defrosted a pack of chicken breasts all day. After we picked husband up at airport I grilled them and left the kids plain.. I slathered our with a healthy portion of homemade pesto and sliced provolone! Served with steamed broccoli just cut from the garden and a box of couscous!

    Freezers looking rather empty but that is great! Less spent on take out!


    Friday 15th of July 2016

    It is midwinter here. The weather is overcast and for my part of the world it is cool. But sickness has invaded. So from memory here goes. There were two nights at restaurants. The 15th was my daughter's birthday and she chose a vegan restaurant. It was very tasty. On Wednesday I went to the Polish club with a group. I hoped for a wonderful experience but it sadly lacked. We have had chicken burgers, blts and that is about it. No one has energy for anything.


    Friday 15th of July 2016

    Aww, I hope you guys are feeling better soon!

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