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What lovely things have you seen/experienced lately?

We did one of these last week on the suggestion of WilliamB, and since you all found it so encouraging, I thought we’d do one again.

Sonia with the cat

I’ll start off with some happy things I’ve seen or experienced in the last week, and you can join in in the comments.

  • My girls might not be able to see their friends, but they ARE very delighted to have the cat here. She’s a fun distraction/snuggle buddy.
  • A construction company in my area gave a huge donation to a restaurant, and the restaurant then gave free meals to hundreds of local residents.
  • A friend sent me a snail mail note, which arrived on a day when I was feeling especially discouraged.
  • My sister-in-law texted me something cute my smallest niece said about me, and I felt very loved.

Kristen and niece

  • We’ve all been using Zoom/Facetime to connect with family and friends for fun, support, and encouragement. I’m grateful that we have the internet through this. 
  • I’ve seen lots of people helping other people…making and giving away face masks, donating meals to first responders and medical personnel, offering to do grocery runs for older neighbors, and so on. 
  • The weather here has been mostly sunny, a bit of an anomaly for April.

sunny stream

Alrighty! The comments are open for you.

P.S. A couple of readers’ comments have gotten stuck in the spam filter lately. If your comments seem to be disappearing, email me and I will happily dig you out of the spam pile.

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    Wednesday 22nd of April 2020

    Such a cute pic of you and your niece!

    This is not lovely, but it’s funny. Yesterday I was waiting for a FaceTime call from my Rheumatologist for a remote appointment. I was all prepared and had all my stuff spread out on our kitchen bar so I could find things easily if I needed list of meds, list of questions, file for this particular doc, my phone in my pocket, etc. So...about 20 minutes before appointment time I went for a quick bathroom break so I’d be “really” ready. Yep! Almost as soon as I sat down my phone rang. I kind of freaked, yelling for my hubby. When he didn’t appear, I answered, knowing that the nurse was supposed to give me a link to call. However, when I answered, there sat my doc (a rather stern man) in his office. I could see him...I’m assuming he could see at least my face...I hope that’s all. I immediately asked him to hold and laid my phone face down on my walker, so hopefully nothing embarrassing was visible at any time. I got up, adjusted clothes, washed my hands and headed to the bar in kitchen where I had all my stuff laid out. Turned out to be a good appointment. I think he was impressed that I had gotten my glucose numbers down since I last saw him all by myself (and the grace of God).

    A rather embarrassing beginning for my appointment!


    Wednesday 15th of April 2020

    For an appetizer for our Easter dinner, I made focaccia. I could not find the recipe I have used in the past. This one said to divide into 8 and then make 4" rounds. Bonus: It was good and I found that I could make them on a daily basis for sandwiches when bread may not be available. Because we like a little dessert with supper, I made a "little" cake from scratch. I bought a 6" cake pan one time and had not used it yet. It was just enough (and a little more) for the 6 of us. Watching the daylilies coming up and thinking about where I will move them. I started some seeds indoors. Basil is popping up on my kitchen windowsill. Next will be the tomatoes I hope.


    Wednesday 15th of April 2020

    -On Easter I had a FaceTime egg hunt in my kitchen! It was a blast. -A friend mailed pics of my own long ago baby shower and my daughter as an infant to share with my daughter when we needed to cancel my daughter’s March baby shower. -In this year of big family events, my second daughter moved her wedding date to fall. Her sister and I briefly celebrated her April bridal shower date on her front porch, masks and all. -My adult kids do my food shopping for me, since I am in the very vulnerable group. -Each night my husband reads from a novel to me! It’s wonderful fun.


    Wednesday 15th of April 2020

    I’m grateful that our schools are giving out free lunches in our area. I’m noticing all the gratitude for things I have now.


    Tuesday 14th of April 2020

    I a glad you can see the happier things at this time. I am visiting with my granddaughter via face time. It is weird as she is just two but fun and so easy to love.

    Our local authorities are extending our freeway and building a light rail system. Thankfully they are working during the day rather than all night.

    Birds are so much in evidence right now. I love to hear them sing.

    My son works in catering and has managed to secure some work.

    Food supplies seem to be improving which is a good thing. I feel for our farmers because they are having huge difficulties finding a workforce. We have also had drought and fires so our fresh foods are down in supply and expensive.

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