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What The Frugal Girl Reads: My favorite blogs

(this photo has absolutely nothing to do with blogs, but I thought this post was just way too boring without a photo!)

Quite a few of you have written me wondering what blogs I like to read, so I thought it would be fun to do a post about that, especially since I haven’t managed to put together a blogroll.

That’s remarkably similar to the way I haven’t managed to put together an FAQ page.


Anyways, here are some of the blogs I read regularly, in no particular order.

Enjoying the Small Things I love, love, love Kelle’s blog. She consistently and faithfully applies that whole “look for the good” thing we talked about in the contentment series and it is a delight to see. She’s been blogging for several years, but her blog readership exploded this past winter when her second daughter, Nella, was born. Finding out that Nella has Down Syndrome shook Kelle to the core, and the beautiful birth story post she wrote went viral around the blogosphere and is actually the way that I discovered her blog.

Ooh, and Kelle takes lovely pictures, which makes her blog super-duper appealing to me.

NieNie Dialogues I’m sure most of you know about NieNie, but for those who don’t, it’s written by a woman who is recovering from a near-fatal plane accident that burned most of her body. I’ve been impressed by the way she manages to carry on in the face of such adversity, and reading her blog reminds me that my hardest days really aren’t so hard (there’s that looking at those with less thing in practice!).

GirlTalk This blog is written by a family of Christian women (the family of C.J. Mahaney, the founder of Sovereign Grace Ministries, a group that has been an enormous blessing to our family), and is one of the first blogs I ever read. It’s practical and pithy (which is good because I don’t like to read super long blog posts!), and the picture nut in me enjoys the daily photos by Janelle.

(are we seeing a theme here? I love blogs with beautiful pictures!)

The NonConsumerAdvocate Katy’s blog is also one of the first I ever read, and though I first thought she wasn’t very friendly (I don’t think I’ve ever told Katy that!), I now count Katy as one of my best blogging friends and she’s the only blogging friend I’ve talked with on the phone. We often joke that we must be long-lost twins because our brains function so similarly when it comes to frugality and environmentalism. If you like my blog, you will probably like Katy’s!

Get Rich Slowly J.D.’s blog is my favorite personal finance blog, and if you read PF blogs at all, you’ve probably heard of it. What I appreciate most about J.D. is his humility. There are other large personal finance blogs, yes, but none of them have the humble tone that J.D.’s has. I always feel like he’s in the trenches with us, not up on the hill shouting down orders.

Wasted Food I already told you all about Jonathan and his blog in my review of his book. If you want a more in-depth look at food waste than I provide, his blog is the one for you.

SouleMama Amanda is really, really different from me, but I enjoy peeking into her life through her blog. She’s way more crafty than me (I will never sew as much as she does!), but we share a love for the simple joys of home and especially of the kitchen. She posts lots of pictures and I like how unpolished and real they are (no one has fake-looking eyes or glowing skin, and the grass in her photos never looks like easter grass!).

Nesting Place There are eleventy billion decorating blogs out there, but Nesting Place is the only one I really follow. I like her “It doesn’t have to be perfect to be beautiful” motto…her attitude makes her blog inspiring, not discouraging.

OwlHaven Mary is a homeschooling mom who has ten (yes, TEN!) children, six of whom are adopted (if you’re the sort of person who thinks that I’m insane for having 4 kids, this is probably not the blog for you!). I’m totally impressed that Mary manages her household as well as she does and especially impressed that she’s managed to write several books on top of that seeing as I still haven’t managed to write even an e-book.

MoneySavingMom If there are eleventy billion decorating blogs, there are probably 500 billion couponing/deal blogs out there (sometimes I wonder how many the blogosphere can possibly support!), but MoneySavingMom is the only one I follow. Hers is neat and uncluttered and in between the deal posts, there are posts with more meaty content.

There are other blogs I read too, but I think I’ll stop there only because I find long blog-lists to be overwhelming when I read them, and I don’t want to overwhelm you guys. So, maybe a few months down the road, I’ll do another one of these posts highlighting some of the smaller blogs I read.

So, what about you? Do you read some of the same blogs I read? Do you think I’m missing out on an awesome blog? Enlighten me!

Today’s 365 post: Miss Difficult-to-Photograph

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    Thursday 18th of August 2011

    I recommend and I'm curious to know your opinion of Leo's websites considering I'm Catholic myself. Thanks for providing value to your readers Kristin.

    polar f4

    Saturday 29th of January 2011

    Hey! Just thought I'd chime in. I really enjoyed your post. Keep up the awesome effort.

    Amanda Spaulding

    Friday 29th of October 2010

    You have to check out "The Pioneer Woman" at Ree Drummond is a hilarious rancher's wife/homeschooling mother of 4. She tells her story through pictures and has lots of funny, poignant stories to tell. She's full of life! I definitely recommend her blog.

    mrs shortcake

    Thursday 28th of October 2010

    I was so excited to find your blog, and now you lead me to other great ones? Wonderful! Thank you!

    Jennifer Lorenzetti

    Wednesday 27th of October 2010

    I love your blog; it is one of my first visits every day!

    If I may blow my horn, you are welcome to visit me over at my blog, Fast, Cheap, and Good ( I talk about frugality, sustainability, and the little choices we can make that add up.

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