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What To Buy (and not buy) at Aldi

Instead of “What To Buy At Aldi”, it would probably be more appropriate to title this “What I Buy (and don’t buy) at Aldi” because my preferences are just that…preferences. You might like something that I hated, and vice versa.

But, many of you have asked for me to share my likes and dislikes at Aldi, so I’m posting a list for you. You have to be promise to not be crabby with me if you find you dislike a product I like, though. I will not be held liable. 😉

Happily, when you shop at Aldi you can buy with confidence because anything you buy at Aldi is double guaranteed. This means you can take back any product, get your money refunded, and get a replacement product with no hassle.

To make it easy for me to keep track of things, I’m going to assemble this list in an order that follows the layout of my store, at least for the most part.


Everything. This is almost all name brand, but cheaper than other stores. Sonia is highly partial to the Happy Cola.

Don’t Buy:


Pretzels, cheese crackers, animal crackers, whale crackers (like Goldfish crackers), graham crackers, nuts, and dried fruit. These snacks are all Aldi brand, but they’re really good! I don’t buy a lot of chips, but the ones we’ve tried have been good, especially the blue corn tortilla chips.

Don’t Buy:
Club/Ritz knock-offs, and saltines. I wouldn’t necessarily say you shouldn’t buy these, but you should know they’re not exactly like the real thing. My kids will eat them, but my husband and I aren’t fans. However, if you need them for a crumb coating or for another recipe use, they should be fine.

Edit: Lately the Ritz knock-offs have been much improved. In fact, Mr. FG likes them as well as real Ritz crackers.


Regular or Quick Oatmeal. It’s a great price, is fairly unprocessed, and produces very little trash. Love it.

Don’t Buy:
Cereal. The box or two we’ve tried has been good, but I can almost always beat Aldi’s cereal prices by watching sales and using coupons at another store. If this is not the case in your area, you might want to give Aldi’s cereal a try.

Edit: I haven’t been couponing as much of late, so we have been eating Aldi’s corn chex and bran flakes cereals, along with their raisin bran crunch cereal.

Baking Ingredients

Sugar, cooking oil, powdered sugar, and brown sugar.

Don’t Buy:
Unsweetened cocoa powder. I hated it, but I know some people love it. Chocolate is very much a preference thing. I also don’t buy my flour there because I must have Gold Medal unbleached (I’m picky about my flour!).

Dairy Products

Milk, butter, cottage cheese, cheese blocks, cream cheese, and cream. The prices are excellent on all of these items. They usually have a good price on eggs, but I’m fortunate enough to buy them locally which means I don’t need to buy them at Aldi.

Don’t Buy:

N/A. I had a bad experience with the sour cream initially (it was grainy), but I gave it another try and it’s been fine. Yay!



I know some people have had a terrible experience with the produce at Aldi, but I have to say that the produce at my Aldi has almost always been great (click here to see a bunch of photos of our Aldi produce).

In fact, it’s better than the produce at other grocery stores, and it’s usually way cheaper. I buy spinach, sweet peppers, jalapeno peppers, zucchini, tomatoes (these do vary week to week…if they look bad I don’t buy them), pineapple, cucumbers, berries, melons, carrots, mushrooms, potatoes, oranges, grapes, grapefruit (the grapefruit are SO good!) and pears.

Aldi’s produce is not all organic, but it is often seasonal.

For example, Aldi doesn’t carry raspberries and blueberries in the middle of winter, for example, and they don’t carry grapefruit in the summer. Strawberries, blueberries, and melons are usually only available when they’re in season (presumably because that’s when Aldi can get them cheaply) and grapefruit are available in the winter.

Honestly, I think my family eats more produce now that I shop at Aldi…a lot of produce that was prohibitively expensive at other grocery stores are now well within the affordable range for us, and organic or not, eating more produce can’t be a bad thing healthwise.

Don’t Buy:
N/A. I’ve not had a bad produce experience at Aldi thus far.

Canned/Jarred Foods

I don’t buy a lot of this type of food, but I’ve liked everything I bought so far. I buy tomato sauce, canned tomatoes, mandarin oranges, black beans, canned peaches, and pumpkin when it’s available.

Don’t Buy:
N/A. I haven’t had a bad canned product yet.

Unrefrigerated Grocery Items

Macaroni and cheese (I shamelessly feed this to my kids when my husband and I have the occasional date night!), flour tortillas, and pasta.

Don’t Buy:
Dried Tortellini. This was a temporarily stocked item, but it was terrible. I cooked it and cooked it and it wouldn’t soften.


Lunch meat, pepperoni, and bacon. These are all good quality and they’re usually much cheaper than they are at a regular grocery store.

Don’t Buy:
Pretty much everything else. I say this not because the quality is so bad, but because the prices are usually not that great. I can almost always beat Aldi’s meat prices by watching sales at a regular grocery store.

Paper Products

The upscale toilet paper and paper towels. These are well-priced and of good quality.

Don’t Buy:
The bargain-priced paper products. They work in a pinch, but they’re really not that great.


Shampoo, toothpaste, and feminine supplies.

Don’t Buy:
I haven’t had a bad toiletry item from Aldi yet, but there are some items they just don’t carry, like easy-glide floss and gel deodorant.

Frozen Foods

Fruit (strawberries, blueberries, pineapple, rasberries), OJ concentrate, corn, fish, ice cream novelties. Ooh, and the eclairs/cream puffs are tasty too. 😉

Don’t Buy:
Ice cream (the quarts, not the novelties). It’s just not up to par in our opinion.



Sparkling juice. We buy this for special occasions, like Christmas, and Aldi’s sparkling juice is really good and really cheap. I’ve occasionally bought fruit juice there too and it’s been good.

Don’t Buy:

N/A. I haven’t bought any bad beverages, though admittedly my experience with this is limited, as I don’t buy a lot of juice or soda.

Incidentally, if you’re super serious about saving money on your groceries, stop buying beverages and drink water instead. It’s nigh onto free and drinking it instead of other beverages is likely to have a positive effect on your health.


So, there you have it!

I should add that this list is not at all comprehensive…Aldi carries a LOT more items than the ones listed here, but most of them are just things that I don’t buy, like frozen dinners, frozen breakfasts, canned soups, snack cakes, prepared cookies, bread and rolls, sausage, bologna, coffee, refrigerated roll/biscuit/pie dough, breakfast tarts, granola bars, and oatmeal packets.

These things might be tasty, but I don’t have any personal experience with them, so maybe my Aldi-shopping readers can report on the quality or lack thereof when it comes to these items.

Also, I’d be interested to hear what other Aldi shoppers love or hate, so please chime in! 🙂

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    Tuesday 28th of March 2023

    I love their soy milk


    Saturday 29th of May 2021

    I love clancy's peanut butter pretzels

    Carolyn G.

    Friday 30th of April 2021

    I wasn't crazy about Aldi when it first opened in my neighborhood, but my neighbors convinced me to keep trying. It has gotten so much better. I was very happy to find Califia toasted coconut/ almond milk there for less than I paid at Target. Aldi has good bagged salads and a great coleslaw mix, which I use to make eggroll in a bowl. I like their seed breads. I can get excellent prices on dried cherries and mango slices. Same with sliced cheeses. Their fresh produce is okay most of the time. I have had good luck with their Cara Cara oranges - very fresh, sweet, and juicy. Their grass fed ground beef is good. I have tried their spaghetti sauces in jars and they were okay, but I always go back to Rao's, even though it is pricey. I have tried Aldi granolas, and they are very good. Most of all, their price on good quality lotion facial tissue is the lowest I have found anywhere, at 69 cents a box. Their dishwasher detergent packs work very well. I save a good amount of money on my grocery bill when I shop at Aldi.

    Mark Pfeifer

    Wednesday 21st of April 2021

    I agree with most of what you said. You buy many of the things I buy and your analysis is spot on. One problem I’ve had with Aldi has been apples. The first time I bought a bag of apples from them they were so old that the seeds were sprouting inside. The second (and last) time they just tasted old and mealy. I have never spoken to anyone else who has had the same trouble.

    Deborah Martin

    Wednesday 27th of January 2021

    Their chocolate chip cookies a really good and cheap compared to grocery stores.

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