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What’s happening in my kitchen

If you stopped into my kitchen lately, you’d see:

yogurt incubating

-iced tea in Mason jars

-zucchini bread that blurs the line between bread and cake.

(actually, it probably crosses that line altogether.)

-dishes. always dishes.

(they’re part of the clean/dirty/clean/dirty cycle)

-a newly decluttered under-sink cabinet (I was inspired by Rachel’s ridiculously clean cabinet!)

-zucchini patties

-more cut-up discounted cantaloupe (they actually gave two to me for free at the end of the day!)

What’s happening in your kitchen?


Today’s 365 post: This one makes me smile.

Joshua’s 365 post: Out of place

Don't throw your bread away!

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    Thursday 26th of July 2012

    How fun to be reading your blog and then see that it's linking to mine, thanks! Yes, I would say that under my sink is ridiculous, but the rest of my kitchen is much more normally messy.

    I tried to make yogurt this week, but I must be out of practice because it turned out just alright.


    Thursday 26th of July 2012

    I meant the ridiculous as a compliment, just so ya know! ;) I'm very envious of your bright, clean cabinet.


    Wednesday 25th of July 2012

    What is the recipe for your zucchini bread? It looks great! I hope you can share.


    Wednesday 25th of July 2012

    Currently I have a cake baked but not yet decorated for my Nephew's Birthday. It's 'survival' themed', so camouflage and campfires - wish me luck! I've more cake hanging around - some sticky-bottomed raspberry cupcakes leftover sitting in a tin. I donated some to neighbours but some still remain. Finally lot's a bits and pieces sitting around waiting to be packed for our inaugural family camping trip. Finally the rain has let up, finally! ps - loving the jars, I'm making the transition to glass currently.


    Wednesday 25th of July 2012

    Thanks for inviting us into your kitchen! Inspires me to get back in mine... Been having one of those days...but...still got stuff going on... Sour dough on the bench doing it's thing... Same dishes as you; yup, I recognize them!!!(thank you for the comfort you gave by sharing that!!!) plus lots of folks leaving food uncovered on the bench today, grrrr... Jars of lemon quarters, salted and on their way to becoming Moroccan Preserved Lemons...tastes awesome!!! Washing dishes with my home made soap!!! I like it but others in my house are not so enthused... Picking baby dandelion leaves in the garden for a salad... and... Wouldn't it be nice if I could get the fridge cleaned...mmm...


    Tuesday 24th of July 2012

    Hey Kristen, your kitchen looks so nice! I love that you make your own yogurt. I make it every week too. It's cheap and somehow because it's made at home it tastes better. I have recently started making Paneer (Cottage Cheese) at home. It just takes 5 minutes to make and needs nothing but milk and vinegar. It costs half the price as the dairy or store bought one and it's instant!

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