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Normally, I post a fun-to-look-at photo on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

But you know how Jo (from Simply Being Mum) and I alternate hosting Food Waste Friday?

Well, um, I sort of completely forgot it was my turn this past Friday and I showed you our carved pumpkins instead.

I realized this because I came across my food waste photo this morning.   So, here you go…better late than never.


(I know you all were DYING to see my food waste, right??)

What’s there is the last of some cilantro, part of a head of lettuce, and some forgotten-about clam chowder.

Really not sure what happened with the clam chowder, because everyone here loves it, and there is usually conflict over who will get to eat the leftovers.

So, you’re all caught up on my food waste now.   Phew.

And to close this post out, here’s something slightly more beautiful to look at.

pumpkin with bokeh


Joshua’s 52 Project post: Daybreak

Don't throw your bread away!

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    Thursday 6th of November 2014

    Oh boy Kristen you must think I'm pretty hopeless! Had I been over at my own blog this week (or yours?) maybe I'd have realised you'd posted about FWF! Duh! Funnily enough my 'Open House' post today (typing now) is about slowing down - and if ever I needed to it's now. Making such a lot of silly errors!


    Tuesday 4th of November 2014

    I am slowly making progress on cleaning the freezer. I used up a few random pieces of fish last week and a package of bratwursts. I have some leftover dal thawing for dinner tonight and some stew meat for dinner tomorrow night. I need to increase my efforts though since we have a bunch of venison headed our way soon.


    Tuesday 4th of November 2014

    I bought cilantro yesterday, for a recipe I'm testing out for Cook's Illustrated. I think this makes it a good time to petition the Frugal Girl to provide a permanent link to the post that contains all the ideas for using cilantro.


    Tuesday 4th of November 2014

    Certain Asian dishes also use cilantro. I had a really nice sauce to go with dumplings at the best dumpling shop in Washington, D.C.,'s Chinatown, and the waitress recommended a condiment of cilantro, ginger, and garlic. Very tasty!


    Tuesday 4th of November 2014

    Ooh, a sidebar graphic (like the one I have about my cell phone bill?)

    For now, here's a link:

    (and really, just make All Of The Tex Mex Things. Which is kind of what I do all the time. Oh, Tex-Mex, how I love you!)


    Tuesday 4th of November 2014

    I wasted ( I usually clean my fridge come Monday morning) about 2 cups of mac and cheese (weird because we love the stuff), 1 cup of rice, and 2 cups of green beans. We love it all so wierd... I need to stop cooking so much, I often think I don't cook enough for all 5 of us and then it gets tossed... I also have a hubby that once or twice a week doesn't make it home do to work. So I'm still thinking to cook less I don't know... Any advice?


    Tuesday 4th of November 2014

    I, too, have trouble determining the right amount to cook. My leftovers often become my lunch, either for the next day (therefore left in the fridge) or for later (labeled and frozen).

    Emily @ Simple Cheap Mom

    Tuesday 4th of November 2014

    Such little food waste! We made some quinoa chili last week (not a regular dish, but the best I could come up with to finish off the quinoa we've had for a while. We like it, but it just doesn't seem to get used often). No one seemed to like it except me, so there was lots of leftovers. We put everything into containers, but forgot to put them in the fridge/freezer when they had cooled a bit. That's our whoops and food waste.

    Beautiful pumpkin shot.

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