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WIS, WWA | $157 is the magic number

What I Spent

  • $56 at Harris Teeter
  • $70 at Aldi
  • $6 at Weis
  • $25 on a Hungry Harvest box

That adds up to $157.

A green salad topped with a sausage, an egg, and pico de gallo.

July Spending

Week 1: $157

Week 2: $183

Week 3: $157

Ummmm. Apparently, I spent exactly the same amount on week one as I did on this week.

I couldn’t do that again if I tried!

What We Ate


My friend and her two kids were with us; we grilled sausages by my parents’ pool, and we had fruit and chips on the side.

A view of a backyard swimming pool.


We had dinner plans with a friend, but they fell through. Lisey has been obsessed with a waffle chicken sandwiches from a local place, so we all got one to try.

They are tasty, and if you are trying to keep weight on your frame, these are helpful because they pack almost 1,000 calories into a pretty small package. Ha.

So. Good for Lisey to eat on the regular while she works a physically demanding job, not so good for me to eat regularly!


I tried to donate blood last week, but my iron levels were a teeny bit too low.

(BOO. I was really hoping to do my civic duty and save lives!)

I’m trying to get them up high enough to donate, so I decided to make Swedish meatballs, since beef is a good source of iron.

A skillet of Swedish meatballs.


I made breakfast for dinner; blueberry pancakes this time around.


Lisey and Zoe were out with a friend, so it was just Sonia, Mr. FG, and me!

Mr. FG picked up a rotisserie chicken while I made some gravy, threw some frozen sweet potato fries into the oven and cut up some fruit and veggies.


I made chicken katsu (from Dinner Illustrated), and we had watermelon on the side.

Chicken katsu on rice, on a white plate.


It has been too hot to think about turning the oven on for pizza, so I was thinking about making some grilled pizzas.

A view of a grill with pizza-making ingredients on the side shelf.

Although then I have to decide if I’m up for standing in the summer heat over a hot grill…

What did you have for dinner this week?

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    Ohio Farmwife

    Monday 19th of July 2021

    Sunday - for breakfast I made an egg casserole. We normally eat out after church, but opted to order carryout for supper (Asian Buffet) Monday - Spaghetti (using the homemade sauce I make and can in the summers), corn from our freezer (which is grown in our field), and made some garlic toast using up some bun halves Tuesday - Thriving Home's Beef Tacqoritos - we love these! Wednesday - Had our first sweet corn from our field! fried zucchini with zucchini from the garden, chicken salad Thursday - grilled chicken to top chef salads. blueberry cobbler served with ice cream Friday - had our son's 4 children with us - meatloaf, leftover corn, baked sweet potatoes, chocolate chip zucchini cookies, which were quite delicious and my adult son has repeatedly said "Why are these so good?" Saturday - ate out at Red Robin's with long-time friends Sunday - breakfast - homemade cinnamon rolls, after church Bob Evan's with my cousin and her husband


    Saturday 17th of July 2021

    Saturday - chicken, cheesy rice, sugar snap peas Sunday - takeout ramen Monday - caprese chicken skillet, Texas toast Tuesday - one pot beef and mushroom stroganoff Wednesday - Salisbury steak with mushroom gravy and mashed potatoes Thursday - kale minestrone, crescent rolls Friday - takeout Chinese

    Grandma Bev

    Friday 16th of July 2021

    Use your cast iron skillet for some iron, my doc recommended long ago


    Friday 16th of July 2021

    I struggle to meet the iron requirements when giving blood also. Sometimes I am just a smidge under which is really frustrating. I love seeing the new suggestions that others are offering. I was told, by one of the Red Cross workers, that drinking black tea can inhibit the absorption of iron so I have to give up black tea for about a week before giving in order to meet their level. I'm always glad to give and to hear that others are giving also.


    Friday 16th of July 2021

    Thank you for attempting to donate blood and mentioning it here so that others may decide to donate. During one of my surgeries I needed almost half my blood replaced and have ever since been most thankful when I hear about folks who donate.

    This was an easy week. Zucchini latkes for two of the dinners, ghetta ( a German food my husband was raised on that takes steel cut oats and pork and sage and onions) for two dinners, French toast for two meals to use up more eggs, and tonight it will be Filet 'o Fish for me and beans and hot dogs for the husband. I hate it when he eats beans because I detest the smell and taste of all beans; they make me want to retch. But the man loves them and I love him, so there you are.


    Friday 16th of July 2021

    @Kristen, I used to be anemic and wasn’t able to donate. I take a iron supplement pill with a vitamin C tablet once a day, and it’s no longer an issue.


    Friday 16th of July 2021

    I really, really wanted to donate! There's such a shortage of blood right now, and I was pretty sad I didn't qualify.

    But hopefully in a week or two I will be able to.

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