What I Spent
It was a cheap week at my house. I spent $18 at Safeway, and that was it!
That’s an awfully short spending report. So, here’s a picture of the brilliant blue sky from yesterday. I walked out of an appointment, looked up, and felt so happy when I saw it, so I stopped and took a picture.
Also, when I got home from the appointment, I went out for a walk, stopped in a sunny spot, closed my eyes, and just soaked up the sunshine. So, so good.
I am the queen of sunshine appreciation. 🙂
What We Ate
Zoe was at a gathering with a friend, and I made myself some whole-wheat blueberry pancakes for dinner.
I cannot remember where Zoe was. No, wait, I remember…she went to a concert with a friend!
I continued my little breakfast-for-dinner weekend by making a plate of potato wedges, fried eggs, and sliced avocado with a grapefruit on the side.
So good and so easy.
I made something nearly identical for breakfast the next morning too!
I had clinical until 8:30, but I had cooked a pork butt on Sunday in anticipation of this schedule.

not-yet-pulled pork
So, Zoe ate that at home on a bun with BBQ sauce, and I packed some for my dinner along with sweet potatoes, cilantro, a spicy sauce, and some fruit.

a friend gave this to me because she didn’t like the spice level!
There’s a microwave in the nursing break room and also in the cafeteria, so that makes packing a dinner much more feasible!
Another clinical that ended at 8:30, and I packed a repeat meal. If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it. 🙂
Zoe got dinner out with a friend while I was gone.
My mom dropped off some of this baked potato soup for us, so that was dinner, plus some fruit.
An eat-up-leftovers night! Zoe had some mac and cheese, I had some soup, and we both had some fruit.
Hmmm….well, since I spent so little on groceries this week, I kinda think we will get some takeout tonight. 🙂
Saturday 9th of March 2024
WIS: Aldi $100 I had not been to the store in a couple of weeks. Stop& Shop $13.
Friday: Salmon with a seafood stuffing. Saturday: Tomato bisque Sunday: Meatloaf Monday: Leftover Tuesday: Fish&chips (frozen from Aldi. Not bad for $1.99) and the few remaining onion rings. (Tuesday is work day) Wednesday: Shrimp with orzo and corn and a pesto sauce (used up remaining cream and chicken stock) Thursday: Store roasted chicken with salad and pita Friday: Leftover Tomato Bisque and salad.
My freezer is pretty empty now. I am getting things used up.
Friday 8th of March 2024
Sunday - ate out. Splurged a bit after the kinda-share-the-wealth payday. Monday - I ate leftover dine out with leftover Saturday potatoes. Better half turned leftover dine out plus some veggies into a meal. Tuesday - stuffed pork w/potatoes and carrots. Stuffed pork was $3 per serving Wednesday - grilled chicken, rice with mushrooms, last of of a baguette from the freezer Thursday - burgers and enhanced mac-n-cheese. I do so love red meat. Friday - goulash that makes a lot so sharing some with another person. Leftovers are fun. Though there are times when they turn into a meal that you'll likely never be able to create again.
Jody S.
Friday 8th of March 2024
The most notable thing we ate was a very large pot of vegetable beef soup. We ate it and ate it and ate it. So many days.
Chris b
Friday 8th of March 2024
I made a beef barley leftover rice veggie soup. Got a big ham so lots of eggs and ham, Mac n cheese and ham, baked beans and ham, etc. Potatoesare cheap so meals with that also.
Joy in NW Iowa
Friday 8th of March 2024
We went to Costco yesterday so $223 and then to the local grocery store $40. Sunday left over pizza at lunch and a ham & cheese sandwich for supper Monday ham & cheese for lunch , Roast beef, potatoes and carrots for supper Tuesday ham & cheese fir lunch and tacos for supper Wednesday out for lunch and popcorn for supper Thursday out for breakfast and bean and ham soup (from scratch dry beans and pork hocks for supper Friday bean and ham soup for lunch and leftover roast for supper