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WIS, WWA | $27

What I Spent

I did not do an actual shopping trip this week; just a quick $27 fill-in trip.

That’s pretty boring! So here are some kitten photos from our rescue shift.

Sonia and tabby kitten

tabby kitten

tuxedo kitten

October Grocery Spending

Week 1: $224

Week 2: $152

Week 3: $27

What We Ate


Zoe and I were gone camping, and I think Mr. FG and Sonia had sushi. I have no idea what Lisey ate after her work shift.


Lisey passed her senior tech test at Valvoline while I was gone camping…so Sunday night, I told her we’d get takeout from wherever she wanted to celebrate.

Unsurprisingly, she picked tacos.

She is definitely my daughter. 😉 


I made a pan of Shrimp Viennese, which we ate with cut-up raw veggies and fruit.

Shrimp Viennese


Braces-tightening day, so I made pancakes for dinner. Nice and easy to chew!


I tried a chicken and dumplings recipe which was just ok.

Most of us agreed that we’d rather just have chicken noodle soup with biscuits on the side.


I noticed we had some veggies that needed to be used, so I made a green salad, cooked some chicken (using this brinerade), chopped and cooked some bacon, and added the chicken and bacon to the salad.

To go with our salad, I thawed a loaf of bread from the freezer (which I made from the yeast from Zoe’s science experiment).

two loaves of white bread on a cooling rack


Sonia is getting her wisdom teeth out today, which means that she will not really be up for eating a regular dinner for a bit.

So. Applesauce for her, and homemade pizza for the rest of us.

homemade pepperoni pizza

What did you eat for dinner this week? 

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Monday 19th of October 2020

Let me see what I can remember that we ate. I worked from Thursday till Sunday so it was a bit random this week. Backwards from Monday(yesterday): leftover mashed potatoes and veggies for bubble and squeak, scrambled eggs, rice and tuna. Sunday: Chris cooked mashed potatoes, mixed veggies, and sausages. Saturday: Chris and Rhiannon walked down the hill to the local pizza place and met me after work. Friday: Rhiannon and I had dinner at the pub, and Chris and Michael ate something at home. Thursday: I ordered McDonald's after I came home from work. Wednesday: I bought KFC on the way home and we ate it during the afternoon and evening. Tuesday: Chinese takeaway lunch specials. Monday: I can't remember what I cooked. Sunday: leftovers, eggs and stuff. Saturday: fish, veggies and potatoes for one. I don't remember what the rest of us ate.


Monday 19th of October 2020

Why do I find it so hard to remember what we ate? Lol Sheesh, bad memory here...Here are the ones I remember:

1. Chili topped sweet potatoes. Looove this! Super comforting with the snowy weather we already have. Ugh. Think we had steamed veggies on the side.

2. A huge egg skillet type dish. Breakfast for dinner! Loaded it up with chopped cooked potatoes, mushrooms, peppers, onions and spinach. Hub had his with salsa on top.

3. Veggie burgers with baked French fries and I think a spinach salad. I really love veggie burgers. Sometimes Iโ€™ll sautรฉ up some onions and mushrooms to have on top.

4. A Thai chicken dish with loads of delicious peanut butter Thai-type sauce over rice. Hub made this one night and it lasted us three nights! (He makes sure to make a ton of the sauce, because it is incredible!!! It is a sauce with peanut butter, lime juice, a little soy sauce and a smidge of sesame oil.) Veggies on the side each night.

There, that is what I can remember! Love reading what all of you eat too.


Saturday 17th of October 2020

I luv the kitten photos too. I'd love to have one but allergies prevent any kind of pet for us. Bummer.

For dinner this week, it's been a menu of different items. Sometimes I cooked and other times, everyone did their own thing. So, I'll just throw it out there, in no particular order:

Battered baked fish, peppered onion rings, french bread pizza, spaghetti with garlic bread, beef veg noodle soup, stuffed cabbage, chicken & rice..... Desserts were: fresh pineapple, applesauce & cinnamon, cranberry orange bread, raspberry orange bread, watermelon, bananas & cream, ice cream.....


Saturday 17th of October 2020

My food intake wasn't interesting, but I do have to say that there is almost nothing in the world as good as kitten pictures. :D


Saturday 17th of October 2020

Well, kitten snuggles might be even better than the pictures.


Saturday 17th of October 2020

I enjoyed cooking this week with my daughter. She is either taking a much more active interest in cooking or she's super bored Either way, she helped in part or whole preparing dinner each night.

1. Ginger Basil Pork Stir Fry 2. Turkey Chili Over Butternut Squash 3. Articoke Chicken, Mashed Potatoes, Broccoli 4. Spaghetti w/Meat Sauce- entirely thanks to my daughter who took over making this entire meal. 5. Encore Meal (basically leftovers to clear the fridge) 6. Pizzas and salad


Monday 19th of October 2020

The Artichoke Chicken sounds super interesting to me!

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