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WIS, WWA | $45

What I Spent

I built some meals around what was in my freezer this week, so my spending wasn’t super high.

 I spent:

  • $30 on a Hungry Harvest box
  • $15 at Safeway

I also spent $20 at Harris Teeter, but I had a gift card (I’d earned it for filling a prescription), so that cost me nothing out of pocket.

So…$45 out of pocket. Some of my previous weeks were artificially high, but this one is definitely artificially low!

What We Ate


I made BLTs + sauteed Hungry Harvest broccoli.

BLT and broccoli on a white plate.


Lisey and Zoe took a day beach trip with friends, so I was on my own. I sauteed the rest of the broccoli, fried some eggs, and toasted a bagel for my meal.


Lisey was out with a friend, and I made a French toast breakfast for dinner for Zoe and me.


I made pulled pork sandwiches, which we ate with watermelon and cucumber slices. Sonia joined us. 🙂

Pulled pork on a plate.


I got my Hungry Harvest box and I saw that it included peppers and asparagus.

And then I remembered that I had this chicken broth in the freezer along with a half-pound of Italian sausage, so I decided to make this veggie, sausage, and orzo dish.

skillet sausage with orzo

It’s such a handy recipe because you can use a number of different veggies; I’ve used broccoli, kale, peppers, and asparagus, alone or in combo with each other.

Sonia was over for dinner again and requested leftovers to take home, but she was nervous she might forget them when she left.

So, I told her a trick I often use: put your keys in the fridge by the food you need to remember! That way you can’t possibly leave without the food. 🙂

A fridge door.


The girls ate leftovers, and I made myself a plate with asparagus, a sweet potato, and some ham from the freezer (asparagus and sweet potato are both from Hungry Harvest).

Ham, asparagus, sweet potato on white plate.


I’m going out with my mom, my sister, and two sisters-in-law for a belated Mother’s Day meal for my mom…it just took us this long to find a day that worked for all of us.

And…my mom kindly spent her actual Mother’s Day helping me move into my rental. As Richard Scarry says, “A mother’s work is never done.” And that seems to be true even if your kid is 44 years old, as I am!

What did you have for dinner this week?

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Monday 13th of June 2022

Salmon patties with spicy mayo, lettuce, shrimp salad, green beans, and mushrooms

Sloppy joes with roasted sweet potatoes and fruit

Buddha bowls with roasted carrots, sweet and sour kale, pickled asparagus, a fried egg and garlic aioli

Frozen chicken cordon bleu with bechamel sauce, roasted carrots, garlic cream spaghetti squash, rice

Scrambled eggs with smoked salmon and chives, sautรฉed mushrooms and zucchini, and cut fruit.

Grilled chicken, pasta salad, baked beans, salad, fruit, chips, and rhubarb coffee cake for dessert. We had a cookout with some friends at our house.


Sunday 12th of June 2022

That orzo dish is a dream - I've made it almost weekly since you originally posted the recipe! #grateful


Sunday 12th of June 2022

Oh wow, you really have been making good use of that recipe!

Alison R.

Saturday 11th of June 2022

M Chicken, broccoli, salad and roasted potatoes T Sausage, potato, mushroom, onion and green pepper sheet pan dinner W Dinner out due to dusty drywall work T Steak, twice baked potatoes, stir fried baby book choi and Thai cucumber salad F Pizza, salad S Leftovers

Grandma Bev

Saturday 11th of June 2022

keys in the fridge, what a great idea; but how do remember where the keys are?


Saturday 11th of June 2022

Well, once I go to unlock my car, it does always occur to me that my keys are in the fridge! :)

Natalie J

Friday 10th of June 2022

Sunday: Dinner with neighbors Monday: Baked potatoes. A local potato restaurant (sounds odd, I know) has a special with ham, broccoli, cheese, and honey mustard. We like it, and it's easy enough to recreate at home. Tuesday: A pork and leek recipe (We call it Leek'n Pork to amuse ourselves) that was previously cooked and frozen. Wednesday: Leftovers Thursday: Chicken strips, carrots, and bell peppers, all served with ranch. Friday: Maybe pizza? I have a hankering. Saturday: Date night! We're going to see a play at 2, and go to dinner afterwards. Restaurant still undecided.

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