What I Spent
I spent:
- $25 at Safeway
- $30 on a Hungry Harvest box
And that’s it, so a mere $55 for me this week. 🙂
I’m gonna need to do a decent shopping trip this coming week, though!
What We Ate
Ummmm….whole wheat blueberry pancakes. I know, I know. WHAT CAN I SAY FOR MYSELF??
I can’t stop.
I used the last of my homemade roasted red peppers to make a sauce for some ravioli, but it ended up being a pretty soupy sauce so the end product was more like a bowl of ravioli soup.
But it tasted fine!
Chicken tacos:
I made some bourbon chicken and broccoli with rice, and I added a red pepper from my Hungry Harvest box.
I picked up a little four-hour shift at the hospital from 3:00-7:00 pm, and when I got home, I ate some leftover bourbon chicken. Zoe had already fended for herself.
I worked at the hospital again, eight hours this time, and I ate some avocado toast when I got home.

cutest seatmate ever
I have no fancy plans, both because I am a single pringle but also because I have to get up early tomorrow morning for weekend clinical.
Friday 14th of February 2025
Sat - Dine out Mexican Sun - shrimp cocktail (part of bag purchased at butcher shop), chicken wings, quesadilla made from Mexican dine out leftovers. 1.5 pound of cooked shelled shrimp for $20. Mon - brats, HM egg roll, beans with leftover rice Tue - hickory smoked pork chop, gifted wild rice enhanced with mushroom, onions, peppers, asparagus Wed - spinach cheese tortelloni w/sauce, mushrooms, red peppers, onions, and shrimp, covered with cheese. Thu - grilled cheeseburgers, baked potato, and chicken chili (new recipe, pretty tasty) Fri - tilapia, orange rough, rest of leftover baked potato and pasta
Friday 14th of February 2025
My pantry challenge was thrown out the window this week. I had been trying to spend only $5-$10 a week on produce or ingredients to round out a recipe. But . . .
I had family over for dinner on Saturday. I did use up some things from the freezer but also spent $20 on fresh produce and some other things because I wasn't going to serve freezer-burned green beans for a side to my guests. On Sunday I was invited to a super bowl party and spend $15 on snacks to bring. On Monday, I spent about $90 on food at costco because I only go 3 or 4 times a year and I wanted to get some of the non-food things they had on sale. Naturally, I stocked up on a few Costco staples while I was there. Finally, at the end of the week, I got sick and splurged on a door dash run to pick up cold medicine and a few more things from the grocery store. With tip, that was $50. So, not a very frugal week at all.
Saturday - Spinach Artichoke dip with crackers, homemade chicken pot pie, roasted asparagus.
Sunday - Football food.
Monday - I got a hot dog on the way out of Costco
Tuesday - I had to return an item to Costco. Ugh. So since I was there I picked up a rotisserie chicken and had it with asparagus and strawberries.
Wednesday - Snowed and rained all day so grilled cheese with tomato soup seemed like a good idea.
Thursday - leftover rotisserie chicken and green beans. Strawberries for dessert.
Friday - I have been grazing - more chicken, olives, cheese. Randomness.
Next week its back to the pantry clean out!
PNW Casey
Friday 14th of February 2025
I must admit when I read your post yesterday, I wanted to belt out … “You’ve gotta have heart, miles and miles and miles of heart!”
WIS: $47.18 at Grocery Outlet (it did included some non-food items) plus duck eggs from a friend. WWA: Continuing freezer/pantry challenge version
*Leftover chicken stir fry w/rice, oranges *Duck egg, crustless quiche, rolls *Stuffed winter squash (filling from the freezer) *Brats, fried potatoes, red cabbage *Tonight - steak, baked potatoes, broccoli (at home Valentine’s dinner) … maybe, mug cakes *Saturday - brats, potatoes, red cabbage repeat *Ham, sweet potatoes, green beans, apple crisp I also made gluten-free muffins using leftover short-grain brown rice & raisins and some gluten-free scones using a banana and sunbutter.
Saturday 15th of February 2025
@PNW Casey, Damn Yankees lol.
Friday 14th of February 2025
$40 at Aldi
A lot of freezer/leftovers food! Although on Wednesday, I made salads, and on Thursday, shrimp, mixed veg, rice, & some spices in the rice cooker. So easy it feels like cheating but it's tasty. And possibly ingredients are already in your house!
2 scoops white rice, add water to proper line 1/4 C diced onion 1/8 t garlic powder 1 T olive oil 2 C mixed veg ~1/2 lb peeled uncooked shrimp (remove heads) Put all in rice cooker, stir, cook on white rice setting.
in separate small bowl: mix 1/4 C soy sauce & 2 T brown sugar.
When finished cooking, scoop into large serving bowl, and stir in soy sauce mixture.
Friday 14th of February 2025
Salmon pinwheels, jasmine rice, kale and broccoli salad. Potato /egg frittata with fresh salsa. and spinach salad Spaghetti and meatballs. greek salad Saurkraut in crock pot with small amt of a leftover pork roast to flavor it/protein. Stuffed peppers (3 colors!!) in crock pot, on top of leftover spaghetti and some homemade applesauce for valentines dinner at home with hubby.