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WIS, WWA | A back-home sick week

What I Spent

It was a super weird week of spending since I’d just gotten back from my trip and I was sick for the first part of the week.

I spent:

  • $40 at Safeway
  • $22 at Domino’s 
  • $38 at KFC
  • $20 at Sam’s Club

So, $120 for me this week.

And since I’m feeling better, next week should include more groceries and less takeout!

What We Ate


It was Zoe’s birthday, and she decided she wanted BBQ chicken pizza for dinner. I still wasn’t feeling particularly well from my cold, so I was delighted to just pick it up from Domino’s!


Man, I don’t remember what we ate. Leftover pizza, maybe?


I boiled some cheese tortellini and tossed them with alfredo sauce and bacon. Green salad on the side, but with less pepper than my brother enjoys. 😉

My salad:

green salad in a blue bowl.

My brother’s typical salad:

salad with lots of ground pepper.


I had left a bag of Trader Joe’s orange chicken in the freezer for the girls to use while I was gone, but they hadn’t used it. So, I got it out for dinner.

I’d always baked the chicken before, but this time I followed the package directions for frying it in a little oil and we all agreed that was way, way better than the baking.

Also: it was a little faster.

We had the chicken over rice, with a green salad on the side.


We had a fend-for-yourself night that mostly involved eating up leftovers.


Usually, we do a take-out night on Friday, but Lisey is not going to be here.

And the other night, Lisey mentioned that she’d never had KFC in her life before.

So, I stopped by and got a family pack.

KFC biscuit box.

The verdict: We like Royal Farms chicken a little better.

And I thought the KFC mashed potatoes were terrible. They had a very strong imitation-butter flavor and I just didn’t even think they were worth eating.

No more KFC for us!


It’s just Zoe and me here tonight, and we will probably eat the leftover chicken (but not the mashed potatoes. Nope, nope, nope.)

What did you have for dinner this week?

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Suellen Roley

Monday 27th of February 2023

Hate KFC mashed potatoes, so I'm right there with you. I usually get the coleslaw as a sub for the potatoes. Love their biscuits too.

I've decided to cut way back on the fast food as it's ruining my health and my budget. Almost a month with no fast food of any kind, and I've been setting aside $5.00 every day that I don't have fast food (it started as no fast food breakfasts but now it's just no fast food at all). I feel better and will use the money I've saved on a nice non-food reward for my changed lifestyle!!


Sunday 26th of February 2023

This was a bigger week, though still not huge for us. Plus, there were more proteins than the previous weeks as we've eaten down the freezer some. $230 at Wegman's, $165 at Stop & Shop, $57 at the farm stand and $2 at HMart totals $454.

Monday - Indian Tuesday - Salmon, brown rice, green beans Wednesday - Pork roast, fingerling potatoes, peas, carrots Thursday - Chicken nuggets for the younger two, homemade pizza for the rest of us Friday - Mussels, braised potatoes, corn, homemade bread

LaNell from Texas

Saturday 25th of February 2023

Monday- husband made fancy sous vide steakโ€ฆ.finished on the grill. I added oven roasted veggies. Tuesday- leftover steak and leftover meatballs from the weekend Wednesday- girls night outโ€ฆMexican food. Thursday- smoked Turkey, green beans w rotel tomatoes Friday- cabbage soup w ground Turkey Saturday- made a gumbo w smoked Turkey for the freezer. Leftover cabbage soup. Sunday- not sure yet.


Saturday 25th of February 2023

Since I quit my job, I really focus in meal planning and being moreninyional our grocery spending. I also loathe throwing out edible food. So, I cook 90 pct of our meals and can work wonders with leftovers. I am also doing what I can to get a diversity of plants for healthy gut.

We usually have sourdough toast and fruit for bkfst most days often with avocado or jam.

For lunch and supper: MON - pan seared cod with brocoli and mashed peas for lunch, plain yogurt - salad and fruit for dinner with cheese for desert. TUES - Frankfurter with sourkraut and carrots. Salad. Yoghurt. - homemade spinach and salmon quiche for dinner with salad, fruit. WED - John Dory fish filet with veggies (invited to lunch :)) - 1/2 Duck filet for my husband with brocolini and truffle mash potaotes; I had a bulgour/veggie patty instead of the duck. THU - Steak for my husband with carrots, leaks, salad with beets and shredded cabbage; I had only vegetables and salad. - Butternut squash soup with cheese and left over salad. Fruit for desert. FRI - cod and potaote brandade with turniops and shredded carrot salad - 1\2 duck filet for my husband with turnips, green beans, and some pesto WW pasta; I had only oasta and vegetables and yoghurt.


Saturday 25th of February 2023

I have never heard of John Dory fish. I will go google it!


Friday 24th of February 2023

This week included chicken and potatoes and two meals of pork roast and potatoes because I got free potatoes and the pork roast was on markdown for $1/lb, so into the crockpot it went. We did potato wedges at one meal, potatoes in the crockpot with the meat at another meal, and the leftover potatoes turned into mashed potatoes at the third meal.

The golden something potatoes were amazing compared to our usual inexpensive russets. I might have just ruined my future budget. *laugh cry*

I found hamburger buns marked down today, so I thawed out some marked down hamburger patties and paired it with clearance cheese and marked down organic honeycrisp apples.

Now I'm using sugar cookie dough from the freezer to work on cookies for L3's class birthday party. He arrived in this world in the middle of the spring break missions events that we organize, so his birthday happens every year during my busiest season.

I'm bargain shopping for Code-a-thon food and snacks as well these days. Thankfully, not out of my budget money. Friends from all around town and across the country drop off and mail in snacks and I pick up the caffeine and soft drinks with ministry funds. But 12 packs of Mountain Dew are $8 instead of the $2.50 I paid last year. Thankful God always provides...

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