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WIS/WWA | A no-Aldi week. (wait, what??)

FIRST: One of my readers ordered a knitted bunny from Sonia, with a red dress, for her mom as a Valentine’s Day gift. Somehow, I lost the messages from this person, though, and I don’t know where to ship the bunny! If this was you, could you please email me or leave a comment? Thank you!

What I Spent

I got a Hungry Harvest box ($25) .

I spent $69 at Costco and $32.50 at another store.

Amazingly enough, I didn’t go to Aldi once this week.   WEIRD.

Anyway, my total sits at $126 for this week.

January Spending

(Budget is $150/week)

Week 1: $187

Week 2: $111

Week 3: $121

Week 4: $126

My average per week for January is $136, so that’s a mahhhvelous start to 2018.

What We Ate


I don’t think this has ever happened before, but I can’t remember what main dish I made! I’ve forgotten side dishes before, but never a main dish.

And I flew by the seat of my pants a bit this week, so I don’t even have it written down on my planner like I usually would.


We had pulled chicken sandwiches, potato chips, and broccoli with cheese.


Sonia cooked! She made Swedish Meatballs, which we ate over noodles.   And I made a green salad.


I roasted a salted, spatchcocked chicken.   And with that, we had mashed potatoes and a green salad.


Normally we have pizza on Fridays, but I have some cilantro and lettuce that need to be used up, so I’m thinking maybe we’ll do tacos.

Because it is never a wrong time to have tacos. 😉

What have you made for dinner this week?

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    Sunday 28th of January 2018

    It was an easy cooking week Saturday was a funeral so there was dinner after the service. Day was sad. Food was good. Sunday everyone brought a dish to my dads house. Ham, mashed taters and an assortment of veggies. He was telling stories and said he was 97, no dad you are 95. His mind is sharp though. Monday -birthday party at a local restaurant. Only spent $15 on the biggest plate of nachos. Glad we only got 1 plate and split it. Tuesday, yep leftover nachos, ham and taters Wed Mac n cheese fruit and salad Thursday sick dog that had to stay at the vet. I took mac n cheese to work for lunch and dropped it on the floor. Don't remember dinner. It was one of those days... Friday fruit, salad, macaroni and beef Sat beef stew with carrots, barley and taters

    It was so nice out Saturday I did my first real grocery shopping since before Christmas. I spent $200. I did snag some marked down organic free range chickens for $5 each @Sams club.


    Saturday 27th of January 2018

    Totally can relate to forgetting!

    In no particular order, we had:

    White chicken chili (x2) Ham & buttered noodles Cheese pizza & oranges Chicken & Rice Soup

    Most of the week my family was sick--hence all the soup. Hope everyone's staying well this season!


    Saturday 27th of January 2018

    Sunday: Made a double batch of spinach lasagne, used ground turkey for 1/2 of the spinach. Ate some of one pan, froze another. Used cottage cheese instead of ricotta. Monday: Leftover spinach/turkey lasagne, even better the second day. Tuesday: Crockpot chili with some dried beans I'd cooked and frozen earlier. Wednesday: Leftover chili over baked potatoes. It was cold and I wanted to use the oven, so I made a lot of baked potatoes. Thursday: Baked chicken breast, baked potatoes (batch baked yesterday), steamed broccoli. Friday: Doctored up a frozen pizza with frozen (from the garden) basil, red peppers, spinach, fresh garlic and a little more cheese. Saturday: Batch cooking: cooking all of the ground turkey with onions and spices to freeze for recipes, using some for chili. Hubs loves chili.


    Saturday 27th of January 2018

    Monday - Mixture of angel hair and zucchini noodles with meat sauce. My kids were not fooled... My 1yo just picked out the white noodles. I'm sure we had something else to go with it but I didn't write it down. Tuesday - Fish, salad, and mac and cheese Wednesday - Meatloaf!! With pineapple and salad. Thursday - Chicken noodle soup, homemade french bread, grapes Friday - Brats, mac and cheeses, and pineapple. Saturday - I'm going to try a smoked sausage/potato/cheese casserole for lunch. Spaghetti squash/zoodles for dinner. Sunday - Either fajitas or stir fry for lunch. Sunday night is our pizza night. :)


    Saturday 27th of January 2018

    And a week with no Aldi?!? That would feel really weird.

    Profesora H-B

    Saturday 27th of January 2018

    This week was rough because it was my first real week of classes for the semester, I recently joined Weight Watchers, and I volunteered to take a meal to a family from our church on Friday.

    We normally eat pretty late (8-9pm), so I figured that teaching two night classes (6-9pm) wouldn't affect my dinner plans. Ha! I realized that I'll need to pick something that can be microwaved or that my husband can throw in the oven. We ended up eating TV dinners I bought on sale, thank goodness! I'm buying a few more of those when I shop today because $5 worth of TV dinners is cheaper and (marginally) healthier than fast food.

    On Friday, I *completely* miscalculated how long it would take bone-in chicken to thaw. I ended up running to Costco and buying rotisserie chickens, Caesar salad, and muffins (which I did *not* eat because OMG do you even know how many calories/fat those puppies have!!??). We had rotisserie chicken, potatoes, and veggies.

    The rest of the week is a blur. I know we had chicken pizzaiola, pork loin, and...other things. I need to keep better track, for sure!

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