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WIS, WWA | a not-icy one

Last week, it was snowing as I typed the Friday post. And today, it’s sunny and pretty much all the snow and ice has melted.

Tuxedo cat sitting on a bench in the sun

Also, I saw buds on some plants while we walked this morning. So it really feels like spring is coming!

Tuxedo cat on bench, looking at the camera.

What I Spent

It was a light-ish week on the grocery front: $116 this time around.

February Spending

Week 1: $55

Week 2: $287

Week 3: $132

Week 4: $116

My spending this month adds up to $590, which is right under my $150/week goal.

So, even though I added in the Butcher Box purchase this month (see week 2!), I’m still on budget. Sweet.

What We Ate


Mr. FG and I did a takeout date night (a main dish salad for me from one restaurant, and a cheesesteak for him from a restaurant across the street. I don’t like cheesesteaks, so this worked out great!)

The girls fended for themselves, mostly eating leftovers.


Since Sonia’s current diet is so limiting for our support-a-local-restaurant night, we got wings for everyone else and sushi for her.


I made tortellini soup, with some modifications for Sonia.

(I made chicken broth with no onions, when I started the soup, I sauteed onions in oil, then removed the onions, and I added gluten-free pasta to her portion instead of cheese tortellini.)

tortellini soup

We had gluten-free cornbread on the side, but I accidentally used the wrong size cast iron skillet which made the bread super flat. I will try again with the right skillet!


We had breakfast for dinner; gluten-free waffles for Sonia, regular waffles for everyone else, topped with homemade blueberry syrup.

On the side, OJ + bacon from my Butcher Box.

Butcher Box meat in freezer.

(The Butcher Box bacon was sugar-free and very good. It’s only a 10 ounce package, but it definitely was tasty. They threw one into my box for free when I was in the middle of checking out; otherwise I might not have thought to try it.)


I made a chicken/sweet potato curry with red Thai curry sauce (recipe from Dinner Illustrated) which we ate over rice, topped with green onions, cilantro, and lime wedges.

Sweet potato curry in a white bowl.

This is my leftover serving at lunchtime; not plated very nicely!

I didn’t make anything else because I figured we had the main groups covered there.


I cooked some sausages (Sonia ate hers with no bun), and we had chips and a plate of cut-up fruit on the side.


I am planning to make a green salad, topped with chicken, with cornbread on the side. And this time I will use the correct cast iron skillet.

What did you have for dinner this week?


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    Wednesday 3rd of March 2021

    Kristen, I’d love a recipe for your gluten free cornbread if possible. We’ve been gluten free (by choice) for 10 years and last year my gf baking mix became unavailable. I have one small bag left, then I’m not sure how I’ll make it. I don’t make it often because it’s high carb, but we love cornbread!!


    Monday 1st of March 2021

    Do you make Sonia's GF waffles from scratch or box? I'm gluten free, and Brinner is the most disappointing meal as I haven't found good replacements/recipes for waffles or biscuits, which are two of my favorite Brinner things.


    Thursday 4th of March 2021

    I'm wheat free and found that of all the gf mixes at the store, the krusteaz gf pancake mix makes amazing pancakes and waffles! Has a super fluffy texture, and isn't gritty like some of the other ones.

    Biscuit wise (well, really everything baking-wise!) I've had the best luck with cup4cup gluten free flour. Looking online right now it's $8.99 at target (vs normally $13.50 at the grocery store). It seriously makes amazing cookies/cakes/biscuits etc and you don't have to change anything from a 'normal' recipe. The one thing I'll sometimes do is lower the temperature slightly and bake for a little longer. I just made an old cake recipe from my grandma and no one knew it was gluten free! I just need to try baking bread with it next....


    Monday 1st of March 2021

    * lasagna with cheesy garlic bread * pasta with beans and tomato sauce * chana masala on basmati rice+broccoli * shepard's pie * beans salad * vegetarian quinoa chili


    Wednesday 3rd of March 2021

    Vegetarian quinoa you have a recipe Isa? I love quinoa. I serve our gumbo over quinoa instead of rice. Thanks!


    Sunday 28th of February 2021

    We had an odd week of meals because we had take-out twice! Apart from the holidays where the combo of COVID & now-solved medical caused us to order take out, it's been months since we've gotten meals out.

    We're somewhat near the ocean and all the kids love fish so our pandemic local support has been buying more locally sourced fish.

    WWS also at $170 for the week which is low for us. My target is $250/wk for our family of 8 including three teen + 1 tween boys. The younger two aren't small eaters either.

    Sat - Green tea poached salmon, veggies Sun - KFC, had been in the request queue for a long time Mon - Chili, cornmeal, veggies Tues - Spaghetti & meatballs, salad Wed - Bertucci's (After the KFC order I realized we had a deal for $25 off with any purchase that was expiring in four days. I would have split these into different weeks otherwise.) Thurs - Pork roast, leftover cauliflower, green beans Fri - Kids had chicken nuggets & spinach salad; adults had homemade pizza


    Sunday 28th of February 2021

    I was wondering if you have ever shopped at Lidl. We have a relatively new one, which I've not visited yet, but just wondered if it is on the same line as Aldi? I've not seen you mention Lidl, so figured it was either (a) not that great for prices or (b) not in your area.

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