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WIS, WWA | a tired camper

As I was writing this post, I looked down at my shirt and thought, “Hmm, I need a shirt that says, ‘Tired Camper’ right now.” Heh.

Kristen in a happy camper shirt.

What I Spent

I spent:

  • $66 at Aldi
  • $30 on a Hungry Harvest box
  • $90 at Sam’s Club
  • $12 at Safeway
  • $8 at the taco truck

Soooo, GEEZ. $206 this week.

But then again, I only spent $60 last week, so you know, the spending goes up and down. And we know Sam’s Club trips do not happen every week!

What We Ate


I baked up the rest of the thin-crust pizza dough I’d made.

cheese pizza sprinkled with basil.


I made waffles topped with fruit and whipped cream, and we had some bacon on the side.

waffles with berries and whipped cream



This was the day I passed my competency tests!

blood pressure gauge.

So afterward, I went and got some tacos from the taco truck while Zoe was working. And she got some Domino’s pizza on the way home.


I grilled some burgers, made some potato wedges to use up a bag of red potatoes*, and cut up some fruit.

*here’s my best tip for making potato wedges/cubes

cheeseburgers on grill.


Zoe and I went to the gym together and then when we came home, we had bacon/cheese quesadillas and some sautéed broccoli.

chicken quesadillas in a pan.


Ham sandwiches, plus a green salad. Because Hungry Harvest sent me SO MUCH lettuce.


Honestly, I don’t know. Ummmm…a salad? 

What did you have for dinner this week? 

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Friday 27th of October 2023

Sat. Chicken thighs with cranberry sauce. Sun. Crispy Chicken Pies Mon. I don't remember. Tues. Pizza Wed. Pasta, Sausage, Meatballs Thurs. My daughter had thawed lamb sausage, so I threw it into the sauce. It was a bit spicier. Fri. Leftover sausage Tomorrow we might have something different. My husband just wants dinner but he is not much involved input or preparing. I just try to make sure there is food so I don't have to do take out--expense and the need for me to go out and pick up. So sometimes it is definitely light or leftovers.


Friday 27th of October 2023

$44 at Aldi $16 at the apple farm (because their apples are so superior to grocery store apples) $4 at Wawa $60 to repay my daughter for shopping while my husband and I were on vacation. So $124 for us

With four adults in the house and literally three different dietary needs for medical reasons, I've gone the route of "there's the food; feed yourself" mostly. I keep the freezer stocked with soups, chilis, red sauce, frozen fruit & veg, pizza, ice cream, and popsicles. the pantry and fridge are always available, and there might even be cookies in the cookie jar (not right now though, but maybe tomorrow).

But my week looked like: Saturday: smoothie, and sea salt rice chips Sunday: roasted chicken, baked acorn squash, roasted veggies, rice Monday: rice & beans, fruit Tuesday: wrap sandwiches of leftover chicken, red beans, onions, peppers, and yogurt Wednesday: chicken salad made from Sunday's leftovers Thursday: homemade tomato soup from freezer, cottage cheese, celery with peanut butter Friday: more tomato soup because I love it :), part of a soft pretzel, a bag of frozen veg on sale from Aldi


Friday 27th of October 2023

Does it every drive you crazy to not pick your veggies? I donโ€™t think Iโ€™d like a random box especially when my life is busy. Just curious because Iโ€™m struggling mightily to get through romaine and coleslaw salads I bought last week and I chose them! Alone all week and I guess Iโ€™m not in the mood for that many salads.


Saturday 28th of October 2023

Haha, your story made me laugh!

I do usually log in and customize my box, and I did this time around too, but somehow I still got two massive heads of lettuce and a box of baby greens. I'm not sure what happened, but I am gonna be eating a LOT of salad this week.


Friday 27th of October 2023

I don't even want to look at my food budget this week. Between coming home from work exhausted, my birthday, my mom's birthday and Halloween, we have eaten almost every dinner out. This just a reminder to myself that I won't remember maybe being a bit over budget but the memories I get with my friends and family will last. But in the effort of being transparent, here we go:

Monday: I got home from work five hours after I thought I would and was exhausted, so we ordered pho. Tuesday: It was my birthday so we went out for pizza. Wednesday: leftover birthday pizza and salad Thursday: hainanese chicken and rice. I am slowly getting my recipe down Friday: birthday dinner out with friends Saturday: birthday dinner out with my parents for my mom and I Sunday: something at home because I need a night on the couch

Central Calif. Artist Jana

Saturday 28th of October 2023

@Heather, happy birthweek! You have an exhausting work schedule, living in 2 places, recovering from the broken ankle. . . so glad you were able to just let go and enjoy some easier meals. My philosophy is that all our frugality earns us an occasional guiltfree luxury.


Saturday 28th of October 2023

Some weeks are like that! And you jusssst went back to work so this is very understandable.


Friday 27th of October 2023

I hope the weekend is restorative <3

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