What I Spent
Four days this week involved chicken thighs, and I didn’t even realize it until I typed this post up!
I spent:
- $7 at Safeway
- $11 at Chick-Fil-A
- $31 on a Hungry Harvest box
- $99 at Aldi
So, $148 for me this week; a little on the high side compared to the usual.
What We Ate
I had three chicken thighs in the freezer, so I thawed them and made bourbon chicken and broccoli over rice.
I pan-sauteed some chicken thighs, shredded them, and we ate the meat on buns, with barbecue sauce. Fruit salad and chips on the side.
Chiquita joined us because she always wants to be where the people are.
A longggg lecture day for me, and I had leftover chicken.

Irrelevant to this post, but I got in my car on Monday, looked at my previously clean sweatshirt, and was a little horrified. I have to remember not to snuggle with Chiquita before I leave the house. Either that, or I need to keep a lint roller in my car!
Zoe had a quesadilla when she got home from a shift that ended at 9:30 pm.
Chiquita had kibble, and also some salmon pate.
I pulled out a frozen pizza and that was our dinner.
I did not even serve any produce with it (though obviously I ate produce at other times that day. I often start my day with scrambled eggs and a side of greens!)
We both got home at 9:30 pm (Zoe from work, me from lab) so I picked up some Chick-Fil-A for us. I had an offer for a free chicken sandwich and a free brownie in my app, so my total was only $11. 🙂
I made butter chicken with some chicken thighs (because it’s the week of chicken thighs!), and we ate that with some naan from Aldi.
I’ve got an evening lab that ends at 9:00 (we party hard in nursing school!), so Zoe’s gonna bake some ham and Swiss sandwiches for herself, and I don’t know what I’m going to eat.
Peanut butter and honey on a quick break at lab?
I do eat a lot of peanut butter and honey sandwiches when I’m in school, but honestly, there are worse meals to eat. Peanut butter has protein, I don’t use a lot of honey, and I use either 100% whole wheat bread, or Dave’s Killer Bread.
This habit is gonna continue. 😉
Joy in NW Iowa
Sunday 15th of October 2023
You inspired me to buy some chicken thighs! Last night I air fried 7 of them. We each ate one plus a baked potato (from the garden) and squash. Now I have left overs for the week. Hmmm. I bought some fire roasted veggies at Costco also, stir fry is in our future. I don’t keep track of my food spending, sorry. We eat pretty simply and I do not buy things like hamburger helper or canned soups. I’m gluten intolerant so that takes a lot of things out of menus. Jay has a yeast allergy history, our son has a very sensitive yeast allergy and he is here for meals during harvest so it is best to keep a sharp eye on labels! To make soup I cannot buy any broth with out looking because of yeast extract! That is really nasty for him. So, we do salads and meat, potatoes and veggies or a chicken soup or vegetable beef soup or chili. Why are there so many gluten intolerant people out there? I think it is all the chemicals and herbicides we use on the farms. What does everyone think? I love animals but we no longer have a dog. The kitties are outside cats! They are suppose to be busy eating mice! Ha! Jay says they are eating only cat food!
Sunday 15th of October 2023
We have started to generally always have soft tortilla wraps on hand, because they truly are the actual best for making dinner out of odd left over meats and veg. You literally get one (wholemeal, ideally), dump in your left over whatever thing, add some form of sauce if it needs it, a sprinkle of cheese, grill for a couple of mins and it's dinner! If you're feeling healthy, you could have some salady things, carrot sticks or suchlike.
I live with teenage boys and this has been an absolute lifesaver more than once!
Saturday 14th of October 2023
Chiquita is such a cutie. I'm feeling a little bad for Shelly, though. It can be difficult introducing a new cat to the household and the existing cat(s) may never take to the new addition. Shelly doesn't seem to ever be around the humans anymore and that makes me sad for her.
I have a four year old cat and she still has crazy kitten energy. I'd love to get a playmate for her but I know that another cat in the house would be a major stressor for her.
Friday 13th of October 2023
I have a little white dog and two tabby cats. Lint rollers at the door to the garage and in the car because the dog is a frequent car companion. The fuzzy ones, not the tape ones— not only frugal but better for the landfill.
Natalie J
Friday 13th of October 2023
Sunday: We tried build your own Mediterranean hummus bowls, and it was delicious! Monday: Ramen, my husband spent two days cooking the pork belly. It was delicious, but it's definitely not going to be a regular occurrence. Tuesday: Preschooler's choice, she requested mac and cheese and apples. Wednesday: I was away at parent teacher conferences, husband and preschooler went to Carl's Jr and spent two hours in the play place while it dumped rain outside. Thursday: Biscuits and gravy casserole. Friday: Leftovers Saturday: Grandparents are coming into town and offered us a date night! So we'll be getting Puerto Rican food.