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WIS, WWA | a week until Christmas!

What I Spent

Ok, well, it’s a week and a day until Christmas. Close enough.

two red mushroom Christmas ornaments.

Christmas really sneaks up on you when your semester ends in mid-December. Yikes! Here’s hoping all the things I ordered show up in time.

This week, we spent:

  • $64 at Harris Teeter
  • $28 at Lidl
  • $21 at BJs

So, $113 at the grocery stores this week.


December Food Spending

Week 1: $266 (!!!)

Week 2: $72

Week 3: $113

Funny enough, that averages out to $150/week, which is my usual. So, my unusually high first week has averaged out already!

Black cat lying in front of Christmas tree.

What We Ate


It was unseasonably warm so we went to the taco truck. We figured on colder days this winter, it would be significantly more miserable to stand and order from an outside window.


We had apricot-glazed chicken, which we ate with Texas toast and a fruit salad.

A big glass bowl of fruit salad.


This was the day I took my online cumulative final, which means I spent my day studying, not cooking.

We got Chipotle takeout for dinner, I suppose as a rather informal, “Woohoo! The semester is over!” celebration.


I used a frozen loaf of this homemade French bread to make some French bread pizzas.

How to make French Bread Pizza


I made a pasta/kielbasa dish (an ATK recipe), removing Sonia’s portion before I added the cheese.

rotini and kielbasa topped with parsley, in a white bowl.


I made pancakes and bacon, plus whipped cream and strawberries.

crispy bacon

And we had orange juice as well. 😉


I think I’m going to make shrimp and grits (click that link for the recipe or click the image below) because Sonia and Zoe will be at a friend’s house for dinner.

Blackened Shrimp & Cheesy Grits

Zoe dislikes grits, Sonia can’t have cheese, and Zoe is allergic to shrimp, so if they’re here, it doesn’t feel worth it to serve this dish for dinner! It’s too hard to make that many modifications.

What did you have for dinner this week?

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Saturday 18th of December 2021

WWS: $21 Stop&Shop; $34 Ocean State Job Lot; $54 Aldi (butter, butter, butter); $49 Market Basket. WWA: Sat: Dinner Party! gougรฉres [Alain Ducasse recipe], olives & crudite; Dijon & Cognac Beef Stew [Smitten kitchen]; potato & cauliflower mash; sautรฉed green beans; salad Sun: Chicken, ginger & rice soup Mon: zucchini and broccoli fritters with yogurt cilantro; carnitas with leftover gochujang bbq sauce that had been languishing in the fridge Tues: TJ pork & leek dumplings; rice; stir-fry veg (cabbage, carrots & green beans) Wed: take-out subs Thurs: roasted chicken with roasted potato, Brussel sprouts, carrots & turnips Fri: turkey tacos with all the fixings


Friday 17th of December 2021

Are those mushroom ornaments? Super cute!

Turkey and cheese quesadillas, cashew chicken, spaghetti, turkey and dumplings, and cheeseburger pie graced our table this week. My son made the spaghetti and husband made the meal with dumplings. Hooray for family members who kick in to help me out on busy days!


Monday 20th of December 2021

Yep! They're from Ikea. :)


Friday 17th of December 2021

Monday: Takeout! We got burgers.

Tuesday: Tomato soup and grilled cheese; I froze half of the soup as it made a LOT.

Wednesday: Spaghetti and meatballs that I'd previously made and frozen.

Thursday: Frozen breaded fish, frozen pierogis, and cabbage salad.

Friday: We have lamb burgers that someone gave us defrosting, I have challah dough rising on top of the fridge, and I think there are some hamburger buns still in the freezer; if not, I'll shape the challah into buns instead of a braid. We still have salad from yesterday left, though it wasn't spectacularly delicious.


Friday 17th of December 2021

Saturday-soup and a toasted croissant Sunday-cheeseburger pie, roasted potatoes, butter beans Monday-cheeseburger pie, sweet potato casserole, peas Tuesday-chicken fajita and an orange Wednesday-cheeseburger pie, sweet potato casserole, butter beans Thursday-pancakes, roasted potatoes Friday-pizza


Friday 17th of December 2021

My son came home from college on Monday, so this week has focused mostly on his preferences. His first night home was pancakes, sausage, and smoothies. Then there was sausage-potato-kale soup because he was sad that he only got one serving of the batch I made over Thanksgiving break. Last night was a gnocchi dish that my daughter doesn't care for, so we had it before she gets home tomorrow. Tonight is homemade pizza, but with dough from the freezer so I'll be giving a shout out to past-Kate for that.

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