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WIS, WWA | blue skies!

You guys! Yesterday we finally got a break from the rain and clouds and ohhhhhh, the sky was blue.

blue skies.

I was so, so happy. When I went for a walk in the morning, I paused in the field and just soaked up the sunshine. It feels so good after a stretch of rain and clouds!

Anyway. On to the topic at hand today: food.

What I Spent

three tubs of ice cream.

I spent:

  • $39 at Safeway
  • $7.50 at Giant
  • $13 at the Hispanic grocery store
  • $35 at Aldi

sliced cucumbers.

Soo, $94.50 for me!

What We Ate


BLTs. Because I had some tomatoes that needed to be used.

BLT and broccoli on a white plate.

And also because I am always down for a BLT-eating session. 😉


I tried making pizza for the first time since I moved here!

homemade pizza.

Conclusion: this oven does get sufficiently hot for pizza. Sweet.

pizza stone in oven.

Here’s how I make homemade pizza that doesn’t suck.

And here are five reasons your homemade pizza might be turning out terrible.


I browned the last of those chicken thighs that I’d bought on markdown, mixed them in with a jar of tikka masala sauce from Aldi, and we ate that on naan, with cilantro.

Cook's Illustrated butter chicken


I made pancakes, fried cornmeal mush, and bacon.

fried cornmeal mush with butter and syrup


I was at my parents’ house for a small birthday dinner for my brother and me (his birthday is the day after mine). And my abandoned-house sister-in-law’s birthday is also coming up in a few days.

Sooo, it was kind of a catch-all!

Kristen and sister in law.

My parents made grilled salmon and beef, roasted broccoli and potatoes, and a fruit salad.

And for dessert, we had a meringue dish topped with berries. 🙂

cherry berries on a cloud.


I tried a Cook’s Country recipe for Sopa Seca de Fideos, which is sort of like a Mexican version of spaghetti, topped with crema, queso fresco, cilantro, avocados, and tomatoes.

sopa seca de fideos.

I thought this was pretty good except that it was a little too salty.  And I say this as someone who often thinks things need more salt. 🙂


Well, I did have a pretty decently low week of grocery spending, so I might do a takeout night with the girls, depending on whether or not they have plans.

If they end up having plans, I might use another one of my birthday freebies (I have a few that are good until June!)

What did you have for dinner this week?

Don't throw your bread away!

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    J NL

    Saturday 6th of May 2023

    Thank you for making me acquainted with Wordle. Today I did the New York Times' and had the word right in three tries, which is not bad for a language not your own :-) It makes a nice change from my daily sudoku, which I messed up rather badly this morning.

    Ruth T

    Friday 5th of May 2023

    I'm late to the party today (I was at the zoo all day with my son's kindergarten class - so fun!) but wanted to hop on to tell you that I used green onions in two dishes this week, thanks to you! I usually skip green onion when it's called for in a dish to try to keep costs lower, but since you mentioned recently that you regrow them I decided to buy some. I used them in dishes on Wednesday (baked potato soup) and Thursday (air fryer black bean chimichangas) and now have 8 little green onions that I'm regrowing. Thanks, Kristen!


    Friday 5th of May 2023

    Ohhh, so fun that you are regrowing them! They come back surprisingly fast. :)

    Katy in Africa

    Friday 5th of May 2023

    Never heard of the sopa Seca de fideos, but I love Mexican food!

    We ate: - Lentil sloppy joes - Yassa Onion sauce over rice - Domadan (read beef sauce) over rice - Sweet potato leaf sauce over rice - Bean and rice bowls And that's all I can remember

    Linda H.

    Friday 5th of May 2023

    Right after I saw this post I heard this song: Look Up by Joy Oladokun. Perfect timing and good message. Worth a listen. Happy birthday!!


    Saturday 6th of May 2023

    @Linda H., Really appreciate you sharing this song. It was wonderful and I shared it with a friend. Thank you!


    Friday 5th of May 2023

    @Linda H., Thanks, Linda. I cut and pasted that into youtube. Had not heard of her or the song. Definitely worth a listen!


    Friday 5th of May 2023

    WIS: Neighborhood-$19, Milk delivery-$19, Bakery-$28 Total: $66 WWA: Sat: Chinese food @ the in-laws Sun: always seems to escape me Mon: Buffalo cauliflower, ranch chicken, mac & cheese Tues: cajin white fish with tomatoes and okra rice Wed: Leftovers from Tuesday Thurs: Date night-TGTG BBQ, we split pulled pork sandwich, bbq chicken, collards, and cole slaw Fri: Cinco de Mayo-Tacos and margs

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