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WIS, WWA | but first some tulips

Hello! Groceries in a second, but first, look at these tulips from my sister-in-law’s yard.

Red and yellow tulips in a mason jar.

I gave up on growing tulips myself because the voles ate every last one. But since my neighbor’s cat has seemed to reduce the vole population, maybe I will give tulips another go.

What I Spent


We spend $145 on groceries this week; I did a $55 trip at Giant, but the rest was small trips by Mr. FG to pick up things.

He’s getting pretty stir-crazy working at home, so he is actually quite happy to run out multiple times. If we got super organized and put together a bi-weekly shopping trip list, that would be less gratifying to him!

April Grocery Spending

Week 1: $115

Week 2: $156

Week 3: $145

What We Ate


I had book club scheduled so it was a fend for yourself night (I ate leftover pizza myself.)


We did our takeout date night; Panera bread this time around.


Breakfast for dinner! Waffles + bacon + OJ + mandarins.

Four blueberry waffles.


I made fettuccine alfredo topped with shrimp (chicken for Zoe), with these sauteed green beans on the side.

green beans

(Please pay no mind to the green bean image in that post with terrible text on it. I made it in the Extremely Early Days of Pinterest and I really should fix it.)


Mr. FG and I both got multiple free chicken sandwich offers on the Chick-Fil-A app, so we redeemed those for dinner for us and the girls.


I made grilled sandwiches with ham and smoked turkey.

Grilled sandwiches on a griddle with a red toaster in the background.

On the side, we had more sauteed green beans, plus raw red pepper slices.

sauteed green beans


I’m planning to make homemade pizza tonight.

Lisey's first pizza

What did you have for dinner this week?

P.S. The gardening/sustainable living bundle sale ends tonight, so go get yours now if you were wanting one!

Countdown Timer

Reader Traci: “I got the bundle, and I’ve gotten a lot of helpful gardening tips already. I definitely feel like it was worth the money, and I haven’t even started your part yet!”

Don't throw your bread away!

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    Thursday 29th of April 2021

    My eldest son did not sleep through the night on a regular basis until he was two years old. There wasn’t anything wrong with him. ( Trust me; we checked). He was just happy, engaging, inquisitive, bright and busy - very busy. Fast forward 33 years, and he is still all these things. If it wasn’t for my husband, who did not need as much sleep as I, I not sure that we would have made it through those years. I’m very grateful to sleep through the night now. I am also thankful for my sweet husband and wonderful son. I’m truly thankful for his brother and sister too. Fortunately, they slept. Today, I’m also feeling grateful for: My sister and Rescue Pup. We had a nice walk this morning. The blooming jasmine and gardenias that are in my garden. They smell divine. The cool ocean breeze. The sun is beginning to get hot. The breeze keeps the temperature down. The big tree in my backyard that provides us with shade. My husband is finally feeling better after his second immunization. My family has now all received our vaccinations. I’m grateful that Covid will soon be in our rear view mirror!


    Thursday 29th of April 2021

    I’m not sure how I managed to put this in the wrong place, but I did.

    Becky S

    Saturday 17th of April 2021

    I have to work backwards to remember!

    Friday - I was home alone tonight - husband is playing poker and 21yo son is away visiting his girlfriend at college. I ordered fajitas from our favorite local Mexican food place, and I have enough leftovers for at least 2 more meals.

    Thursday - peanut noodles with veggies and chicken

    Wednesday - we always have cheeseburger baskets (takeout) from our favorite pub because they are only $6 on Wednesday, and it is a nice break in the middle of the work week.

    Tuesday - I made a huge pan of roasted veggies with beef kielbasa. The boys had jambalaya rice on the side.

    Monday - Instant Pot broccoli cheddar soup. The boys had garlic toast.

    Sunday - leftovers from Saturday

    Saturday - Nashville Hot fried chicken, mashed potatoes, and green beans


    Friday 16th of April 2021

    Wow - you would probably think all of my photos are terrible, but that's Ok because most of the time they are, and as long as they illustrate a point I'm making, I don't mind. (: This week I had more food purchased than we need, so i guess that will make my next trip to the store much shorter. We ate: Monday - Leftover sliced Pork Tenderloin, collard greens, a small amount of corn casserole Tuesday - Grilled Shrimp on chopped salad with pickled okra on the side Wednesday - Fajita Bowl, easy on the rice!, with bell pepper and onion Thursday - Grilled Chicken, yellow squash, Kale and Apple Salad Tonight - Salmon, steamed broccoli, 1/2 package baby potatoes Saturday - Link sausage, green beans, the rest of those potatoes Sunday - (freezer) Eggplant Parm, tossed salad I'm looking forward to lunch OUT on Sunday and have my fingers crossed for Mexican food!


    Friday 16th of April 2021

    Haha, it's not the photo itself! It's that that is VERY not how you are supposed to make a Pinterest pin these days. I know they're supposed to be vertical, you're supposed to have white space for the text, and so on.


    Friday 16th of April 2021

    Sat - warm sunny day so we did brats, grilled green beans (I’m very partial to the French beans Costco carries!), and baked beans Sun - Dinner at a friend’s, we brought chips and bagged salad Mon - tortellini with roasted fridge-cleanout veggies and leftover brats in pesto Tues - your Apple Pfannekuchen recipe (family favorite!) with fried eggs and banana slices Wednesday - tried a new recipe - chicken zucchini meatballs with peppers and a coconut curry sauce. I followed the recipe and it turned out spicier than I would usually make. Kids didn’t love the spice, husband doesn’t love meatballs, but I loved it so I’ll probably make it again anyway ;) Thursday - it snowed and I’ve been craving a casserole (Midwest roots!) so I made a turkey noodle casserole - I had planned on tuna but didn’t have enough, so I used up a baggie of leftover thanksgiving turkey from the freezer. Friday - made a special run to Trader Joe’s for mandarin orange chicken for family movie night. We usually make pizza but I think everyone will be pleased with a substitution this week!

    a curious reader

    Friday 16th of April 2021

    Saturday: date night at a very fancy French/ Japanese place Sunday: I roasted a chicken and tomatoes (Alison Roman's recipe, but I spatchcock the chicken) with homemade toasted bread Monday: I made a tofu and mushroom stir fry. The tofu was crumbled as the idea was to make a dish resembling ground pork. No, thanks. That did not work. Tuesday: made chicken noodle soup out of a couple of chicken backbones and scraps in the freezer. forgot to add the chicken to the soup. :D Wednesday: leftover soup Thursday: pasta with leftover roasted chicken, leftover roasted tomatoes and kale. It was completely improvised but really good and I was sad there weren't any leftovers! Friday: Dim Sum at a restaurant with a friend

    That single chicken really carried us through the week!

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