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WIS, WWA | first week of no school!

What I Spent

I thought I might feel slightly more relaxed than I do, but somehow my week still felt kind of full. I think it’s from catching up on a bunch of stuff that got tossed to the side during the semester (plus all the logistical work of getting signed up for my nursing job. SO MANY FORMS AND RECORDS.)

bowl of yogurt and granola.

I spent:

  • $30 on a Hungry Harvest box
  • $43 at Safeway
  • $40 on a dinner out with Zoe

So, $113.

What We Ate


Zoe was at work, and I ate the last of the broccoli soup, plus a bowl of sauteed green beans.

soup and beans.


Zoe and I went out for dinner to celebrate the end of the semester for both of us! Woohoo!

plate of colorful nachos.


I made some French toast for a quick and easy meal when Zoe got off of work.


I grilled some burgers, and we had cut-up veggies and fruit on the side.

burgers on grill.

Just lightly toasting the buns 😉


A leftover burger for Zoe, and a random veggie/pasta dish for me.

pasta and veggie dish.


I made some pulled chicken to eat on the leftover burger buns from earlier in the week.

BBQ chicken legs

A pack of burger buns is a lot for two people! 😉 I do freeze them sometimes, but hey, if I can manage to use them up in other ways, so much the better.

I love using my freezer, but as I’m sure you know from experience, sometimes it’s just a pit stop on the way to the trash can if you are not careful!


There’s leftover chicken for dinner tonight. Easy-peasy. Raw produce on the side, I’m sure. 😉

sliced cucumbers.

What did you have for dinner this week?

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Saturday 25th of May 2024

I've forgotten was Zoe in high school or college? What are her plans now?


Friday 24th of May 2024

I'm sure not everyone is old enough - nor remember - the All in the Family TV show episode where Edith had a can of cling peaches pop out of her "got away from her" shopping cart. It left a dent on someone's car and Edith left a note. Archie gets all worked up as the owner comes by to collect damages. Archie demands Edith quit saying "cling peaches" so she says "mmmm-mmmm". That is now my mantra when I read tortellini on this blog/blog comments LOL.


Friday 24th of May 2024

Saturday - roast beef sandwiches originally planned for lunch but "stuff" happens Sunday - Mexican dine out Monday - dirty rice Tuesday - stuffed pork chops Wednesday - brats and tater salad Thursday - dine out for a b-day celebration Friday - salad and pizza at home due to the weather


Friday 24th of May 2024

WIS: Approximately $90 combined at Food Lion, Dollar Tree and Aldi. Sadly, this did not result in much food purchased as prices are so danged high. I did a bunch of cooking from the pantry and freezer. WWA: Leftover homemade pizza, homemade chili, cheese and salami sandwiches, leftover salad, nuts, protein shakes, homemade chips and salsa, pan roasted sweet potatoes, veggie burgers, light rye crackers with Laughing Cow cheese, and a fruit salad made with cottage cheese, cantaloupe, strawberries and a sprinkle of trail mix. This was too much dairy for my tummy -- blech. Desserts this week were homemade brownies and a small pie that used up the last four apples.

Ruth T

Friday 24th of May 2024

I got some new recipes for Mother's Day and tried 3 new ones this week!

Saturday - I was catering for the third night in a row, so my husband took the kids out to eat.

Sunday - We had a potluck at church for lunch and a potluck (sandwich bar!) with our small group for dinner.

Monday - New recipe #1: Cool Ranch Crunch Wraps. Everybody liked it! We made smoothies, too.

Tuesday - New recipe #2: Southwest Chicken Alfredo. Everyone except my youngest liked it (she was kind of tired and whiny - she may like it more next time). We had bread with it.

Wednesday - Brats, hot dogs, chips, asparagus, fruit, and baked beans.

Thursday - New recipe #3: Cranberry and Brie Chicken Skillet. I think it was mostly liked, but people were confused by the brie cheese. We're not used to being fancy. ;) We had peas on the side. And french fries... because I hadn't thought out sides ahead of time and it was the only thing I could think of in the moment.

Friday - Tortellini with meat sauce and asparagus. Probably popcorn with our movie, too.

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