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WIS, WWA | I overbought

What I Spent

So, here’s what happened.

I made a menu plan, went to the store on Monday, and bought the things I needed for the week. Aldi looked too crazy, so I went to another store and spent $176.

That is why I shop at Aldi. Geez.

So, I got home from shopping and then I remembered I forgot to cancel Dinnerly after the free box I got last week (accidental $38 expenditure).


AND I had another free box from another company coming my way for review purposes (though that review will have to wait until things calm down. Meal kit companies are very overwhelmed right now!)

So, I didn’t end up using a lot of the groceries I bought, which means that hopefully this very expensive week will be offset by next week!

What We Ate


Mr. FG and I could not exactly go on a date night (!), so we got Chick-Fil-A from the drive thru and ate it with the girls.


I made lettuce wraps plus frozen potstickers.

chicken thigh lettuce wraps


blueberry pancakes

We had breakfast for dinner, which used up the last of the buttermilk quite nicely!

Pancakes, bacon, and orange Julius were on the menu.

crispy bacon


The dinner kit box came with two meals for two people. So, I made both at once so we’d have enough to eat.

One was pan-fried gnocchi (I’ve never fried them before but it was, of course, a good option! )


And the other was a cod, rice, and veggie bake.

cod bake


The box Dinnerly sent me was for two people, so I had to make two meals at once to feed us.

One was chicken, mashed potatoes, and gravy, and the other was lasagna roll-ups.

And I have pictures of neither. It was just that kind of night.


shrimp tacos

It was Lisey’s birthday, and she picked shrimp tacos with mango salsa and cabbage slaw, plus yogurt parfaits (a very traditional taco accompaniment. Ha.)

Lisey birthday


I think I’m going to make some pizzas to use up the mozzarella from my freezer challenge.

What did you eat for dinner this week?

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    Sunday 29th of March 2020

    It’s been a chaotic week. A project at work got messed up adding to an already high stress level. Thank goodness for soup and crockpots!

    Sunday - split pea and ham soup Monday- split pea and ham soup Tuesday-chicken cacciatore with noodles Wednesday- cacciatore sauce over rice Thursday- don’t remember probably leftovers Friday - Mac n cheese Saturday - last of the chicken cacciatore


    Saturday 28th of March 2020

    In no particular order:

    It was a leftover week.

    Monday - I think - big crock pot to-do. Layers of sliced potatoes, corn, hamburger, topped with cheese. For the two of us the last of that one made it through to Saturday.

    Big pile of pasgetti with red sauce and hot Italian sausage. Got 3 days of lunch/dinner leftovers out of that one.

    I remember one night was a big take-out pizza. Because... pizza! I was eating slices off that one for 3 days.

    Friday made Turkey soup from stock in the freezer. Had it again Saturday.

    So I know we ate dinner stuff and leftovers were involved. But who ate what on which day is a little fuzzy after this week, news being what it was and all that jazz.


    Saturday 28th of March 2020

    Oh! I forgot the spinach egg drop soup. We made that on one of those days. lol Beats the pants off all those "cream of..." recipes out there. Here:

    You can whip it up in about 15 minutes.


    Saturday 28th of March 2020

    Your shrimp tacos sound amazing. Here is what we ate: Monday - Enchilada Chicken over rice, a frozen veggie {order produce box} Tuesday - Pot o' beans with smoked turkey leg, corn muffins, chopped onion Wednesday - Scalloped Potatoes with ham and carrots Thursday - Ordered pizza and chicken nuggets out - keep local restaurants going! Friday - Beef Sloppy Joes with all of the chips we have leftover from various lunches Saturday and Sunday - TBD but youngest requests taco soup so I am soaking some black beans. And probably some fried chicken to go with stewed cabbage. I really don't want to go grocery shopping, but I may do a tiny run for stuff today...


    Saturday 28th of March 2020

    We cooked very traditional meals every day, with potatoes, rice or pasta for carbs and plenty of braised or steamed vegetables. We had vegetarian meals 3 nights out of 7, which is good as I try to cut down on meat a bit. As we limit our errands in the circumstances (NL Europe), this was an excellent opportunity to not buy cookies or sweets. If you are at home all the time you need to help yourself abstain from what is not good for you. I am so grateful for plenty of healthy foods being available and all kinds of initiatives to get those to people who cannot shop for themselves. We very much feel for the people all over the globe who are affected by the virus, directly or indirectly. For those in areas where the virus is not yet spreading: wash your hands and practise social distancing. You may be going from disbelief to shock in only a few days. This is not to be trifled with. Keep your heads cool and your hearts warm everyone!


    Friday 27th of March 2020

    Saturday: perogies and cukes. Sliced apples for dessert. Sunday: eggs, hash browns, sausage. Grapefruit for dessert. Monday: Started the freezer challenge, so we each had different soup leftovers---borscht and cheese cauliflower. Sliced mangos for dessert. Tuesday: Cream of mushroom and more cheese cauliflower soups. Brownies for dessert. Wednesday: Cheeseburger soup and salmon chowder. Brownies. Thursday: Found another container of salmon chowder and one of beef barley. Apples for dessert. Friday: I am making another attempt at a home version of Filet o' Fish, this time with haddock instead of halibut. Halibut was a bust. Husband is having a container of pea soup made about two months ago and lost in the bottom of the freezer. The rest of the brownies for dessert.

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