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WIS, WWA | In a hurry

As I begin to type this, it’s 9:15 pm, and I am really supposed to be in bed at 9:30 pm because I have another shift tomorrow. And I still haven’t showered.

Kristen in scrubs.

(I am not about to put my sweaty hospital self into my clean bed!)

But I did eat dinner, wash my lunch dishes, pack lunch for tomorrow, and make coffee for tomorrow morning.

I got stuck at work an hour over my shift today, so my time is a little tight this evening (I didn’t get home until 8:30 pm!)

I have made peace with the fact that I’m not gonna be in bed at 9:30, but I am gonna try to speed run the process of writing this blog post.

What I Spent

I spent:

  • $23 at Safeway
  • $8 at Aldi

And that includes my eating at Jim Thorpe because I cooked all my meals!

What We Ate


I don’t remember where Zoe was, but I had scrambled eggs in corn tortillas with salsa.


We had pulled chicken sandwiches plus watermelon.


I was at Jim Thorpe, and I had shrimp, asparagus, and mashed potatoes. 🙂

shrimp and mashed potatoes.

My rental had a kitchen so I took advantage of it!


I had more mashed potatoes, plus a sauteed pepper and some tilapia.

fish, pepper, and mashed potatoes.


I got home from my trip Wednesday evening; Zoe had eaten a frozen pizza, and I ate some rotisserie chicken, which I had picked up mainly to help me with work lunches the next two days.

cottage cheese and tomatoes.

part of my work lunch!


Like I said earlier, I got stuck late at work, so we just ate ham sandwiches for dinner.


I don’t know, and I don’t have time right now to think about it because I gotta GO TO BED.

But first, a shower. 😉 And it’s 9:30 pm right now, which means I got this done in 15 minutes. Short and sweet. 😉

What did you have for dinner this week?

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Friday 26th of July 2024

Sat - dine out - family occasion - c. burger for me, some pan fried fish for better half which was edible but not good enough to order again Sun - dine out - smaller family occasion - pizza and salad Mon- c. burger w/chips - only me Tue - turkey and swiss sandwich w/chips - only me again Wed - c.burger for me and leftover pizza for better half, sauteed homegrown zuke, yellow squash, and potatoes Thu - take out sushi Fri - the usual steak for me, salmon for better half. Not sure what side dish planned


Friday 26th of July 2024

@Selena, well the cook fooled me. Skillet on the grill that cooked stuffed pork chops, home grown yellow squash/zuke/potatoes with onions. Local sweet corn started the meal. Steak and salmon tomorrow night.

Karen A.

Friday 26th of July 2024

I love being able to cook while on vacation. The price of restaurant food, oof.

WWA: Monday: Subs, leftovers from the weekend. Tuesday: Chicken shawarma with all the fixings, and I tried my hand at homemade hummus again. I had forgotten that fresh garlic is a little harsh in it, and canned beans can be hard to get smooth. Will try again. It all got eaten, though. I vaguely remember making a fruit salad with grapes and canteloupe; that might have been Monday. Wednesday: DH cooked burgers and hot dogs outside, crockpot corn on the cob, watermelon and grapes. Thursday: taco night. I had forgotten to get avocadoes but I don't think they were missed. I surely didn't miss finding a container in the fridge with browning guacamole in it! Tonight: salmon filets, crockpot garlic potatoes.


Friday 26th of July 2024

My rotisserie chicken gets so dry after half a day. Any tips on that?


Friday 26th of July 2024

WIS: Approximately $73 at three different markets.

WWA: Sandwiches. Veggie-heavy casserole. Apples, watermelon, produce from the garden. Nuts and cheese. Veggie burgers on English muffins (that was just me). Homemade mixed berry and protein smoothies.

I took a few days off cooking because I get burned out and no one will actually starve. They will ignore all the healthy food in the fridge, though, and go on a carbohydrate fun-fest, though.

Amy cheapohmom

Friday 26th of July 2024

Good for you showing us real life and all. I am in the middle of preparing for a fre day. My definition of a free day is kind of like the day after Thanksgiving or Christmas. My house is clean, we have leftovers, and a lot of time on our hands to do whatever we want. So I am doing all of my daily cleaning, the weekend cleaning and the 2 monthly tasks. Then I am straigthing up my canning storage. My hubby is mowing and cleaning both cars. My sona nd daughter have their usual tasks plus haircuts and son has to work . Wish me luck. Saturday: Pizza Sunday: Various leftovers and meat and cheese plate Monday: Tuesday: Grilled chicken and salad Wednesday: Tacos Thursday: Boiled dinner (Ham, green beans, and potatoes) with corn bread Friday: Picnic at the beach (hamburgers and macoroni salad with various sides)

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