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WIS, WWA | Just the two of us

What I Spent

Lisey’s been on a cabin-camping trip with friends all week, so I was just feeding Zoe and myself. We’re feeling like the Gilmore Girls right now. 🙂

grilled ham sandwich.

I spent:

  • $63 at Aldi
  • $32 at Safeway
  • $14 at McDonald’s

So, $109 for me!

What We Ate


I’m trying to remember what we did! I think Zoe was working at dinner.

Ohhhhh, right! I looked through my phone photos and now I remember: I made myself some blueberry pancakes.

blueberry pancakes.

And things did not go well when I tried to flip this one.

a mangled pancake.


When Zoe finished her work shift, she requested a Mom + Zoe McDonalds stop, so that’s what we did.


Zoe had a work shift at 6:00, and we’d been out all afternoon, so I just threw a frozen pizza in the oven for the two of us before she went to work.

A baked frozen pizza.


I made butter chicken on naan, with pan-sauteed broccoli on the side.

Cook's Illustrated butter chicken


Zoe had a late lunch and wasn’t hungry at dinnertime, so I made myself some fried eggs, which I ate on toasted whole wheat bread.

And I had cherry tomatoes and strawberries on the side (obviously not together. I do not generally mix strawberries and tomatoes!)


It was getting close to dinnertime and I wasn’t sure what I wanted to make…not a good situation for me, since I’m not the best at thinking of dinner ideas on the fly.

But I had two chicken thighs in the freezer, and I decided that was enough to make chicken tacos for Zoe and me.

orange chipotle cilantro sauce

We had cucumber slices and strawberries with our tacos.


Lisey comes back tonight, and as of right now, she and I are in discussions about what we should have for dinner. 😉

What did you have for dinner this week?

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Natalie J

Saturday 27th of August 2022

Sunday: BBQ at my dad's, we brought watermelon....and still had leftover watermelon for the rest of the week haha Monday: Burgers and corn on the cob Tuesday: Pizza and salad Wednesday: Mac and cheese (toddler's request) Thursday: I went to a friend's house and had "snacks for dinner" (everyone brought something). My contribution was a Sriracha snack mix. Easy and so good! Friday: Korean beef lettuce wraps. A Kristen recipe, one of our favorites :) Saturday: Leftovers, probably


Friday 26th of August 2022

Sunday and Monday, I don't remember. Monday was my first day of in-service and I barely made it home. Tuesday, my second day of in-service I made the beef hubby thawed into tacos... 2 pounds of beef, and it's just us. So Wednesday was left over tacos. Thursday was left over meatballs hoagies....must have made spaghetti Sunday or Monday. And tonight was left over tacos again. I love tacos but I'm over them. This newly "empty nesters" while child is at college/learn to cook for 2, needs practice. Lol


Friday 26th of August 2022

Getting a few last minute tasks done before the start of the new semester left little time for meal planning this week. Hereโ€™s how that went: Sat. - Quesadillas with momโ€™s salsa since we couldnโ€™t decide on dinner. Sun. - Grilled steak and salmon for the pescatarian in the family, with corn on the cobb and asparagus. Mon. - Used up some sourdough to make french toast. Tue. - Made some enchiladas with momโ€™s red chile sauce. Wed. - Mac and cheese and penne pasta with mushrooms and marinara. Thu. - Panda Express for boys, leftover mac and cheese for me. Fri. - Pizza and maybe a salad.


Friday 26th of August 2022

I find cooking for two to be one of the hardest things for me to do (at least dinner wise). I grew up in a family where cooking for eight was pretty normal and we always wanted to have leftovers. I envy your ability to make juuuust enough for one meal. The random pyrex containers in my fridge would thank me if I did the same.

Sunday- we met my parents for dinner on Saturday at a local Middle Eastern restaurant and they were leaving for a trip the next day, so they were kind enough to let us have the leftovers. I love hummus I don't have to get my food processor dirty for. Monday- I had some zucchini that were not looking the greatest and some corn from the local farm, so I made grilled corn and zucchini fritters with salad Tuesday- I worked at my other job, so I didn't get home until after 8pm and I was craving pasta. So frozen turkey meatballs and red sauce it was. Wednesday- Impromptu date night. Our local pizza place does wine Wednesday and it's been weeks since my husband and I had a proper date night (plus I leave for rotation on Friday). Thursday- I was at insane estate sale for most of the day, plus packing and meal prepping so we had the leftover pizza with some scrambled eggs and avocado. Weird...absolutely Friday- I drove up this morning for my rotation and ate a bagel. I have no idea what the day will bring and with that, what I will end up eating. I brought meal prep, so I am covered no matter what. Saturday- I am off and food consumption really depends on how my night goes. Probably a veggie stuffed baked potato or veggie rice bowl.

Natalie J

Saturday 27th of August 2022

@Heather, how do you make your corn and zucchini fritters? I have some zucchini in the fridge that's starting to look sad, and that sounds like a delicious solution!

Ruth T

Friday 26th of August 2022

Sunday: We had tacos at an afternoon pool party and then adults were still full when we got home, so the kids had leftovers for dinner. Monday: Burgers, watermelon, asparagus, and honey rock melon Tuesday: A friend brought over pizza and bread sticks to say thank you for me watching her 3 kids all day Wednesday: Leftovers! Pizza, pancakes, quesadillas, baked oatmeal, and applesauce. Quite the combination! Thursday: BBQ chicken thighs, zucchini, and corn on the cob Friday: Someone gave me a gift card to a yummy burger place and we're going there tonight for an "end of the first week of school" celebration

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