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WIS, WWA | lotsa tortellini

What I Spent

cat sitting on folder.

The last two weeks of this 8-week class have been NUTS on the school front. Soooo, my meals have been pretty low-effort.

I spent:

  • $20 at Five Guys (see Tuesday below)
  • $95 at Sam’s Club
  • $12 at Safeway
  • $30 on a Hungry Harvest box

So, $157 for me.

What We Ate


I have zero record of what we ate for dinner.

But I do know that I ate a chickpea salad with chicken for lunch!

chickpea salad.


Zoe was at work, and I made myself a skillet tortellini/chicken/tomato dish.

tortellini with tomatoes.


I don’t remember where Zoe was, but I made a red pepper and tomato sauce to eat with some cheese tortellini.

red pepper sauce on tortellini.


After two exams (Monday and Tuesday) that went super well for me, I felt like celebrating. So Zoe and I went and got burgers at Five Guys for a treat.


I had a school event after my clinical day; Zoe ate a frozen pizza while I was gone and when I got home, I just ate a bowl of yogurt and fruit and granola before I crawled into bed. 😉


Zoe was out with a friend, and I made myself a little pot of eyeballed creamy chicken tortellini soup, to use up the last of the rotisserie chicken plus the last of the tortellini. Of course, I used my homemade chicken broth as a base since I always have that in the freezer.

chicken soup.


As I type this on Thursday night, my tired self has no idea. But hopefully by the time Friday night rolls around, I will have enjoyed a nice night of sleep and a day with no school stuff scheduled…and then I will have energy and motivation. 🙂

What did you have for dinner this week?

P.S. I updated yesterday’s post after I got home from clinicals.

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Saturday 12th of October 2024

Yum, your chicken soup with the cream added in always looks so delicious! And with tortellini too?!! SO awesome. I'm gonna have to make some soon.


Saturday 12th of October 2024

As Kristen often says, grocery spending can have high and low weeks. This was definitely a low one for us as I spent $45 at Market Basket and $47 at Stop & Shop for a total of $92.

Monday - chicken fajitas Tuesday - two of us were at an event that served dinner; the rest had breakfast for dinner Wednesday - spaghetti & meatballs, cut veggies Thursday - pork loin roast, fingerling potatoes, green/wax beans, biscuits Friday - homemade pizza


Friday 11th of October 2024

Saturday - on Friday, better half boiled cheese/spinach tortelloni (from dairy case) as well as enhancing jar spaghetti sauce with finely diced Italian sausage and mushrooms. Baked in a casserole dish with extra cheese on top. It was quite tasty. Sunday - dine out Mexican Monday - leftover Mexican, tortelloni, and left over (home made) pizza from the freezer Tuesday - burnt ends and boiled then baked with onions potatoes Wednesday - anniversary dine out. I had steak (not the best, not the worst), better half had salmon. Both meals came with Yukon mashed potatoes (which were really good) and green beans Thursday - grilled burgers and a can of some type of beans enhanced with leftover potatoes/Mexican/wild rice (which we evidently had one day that I can't remember) . Again, quite tasty but likely never be created again due to the leftovers combo Friday - better half baked cod, boiled baked potatoes and carrots, I ate leftover steak pan fried with boiled potatoes and red peppers. Leftover green beans sauteed with bacon and home grown garlic for both of us.

Blue Gate Farmgirl

Friday 11th of October 2024

WIS: $0 WWA: Sunday Family Dinner in honor of daughter's hike, bike & kayake trip to Santorini (bike), Kefalonia (kayak) & Rhodes & Symi (hike) GF Spanakopita, Souvlaki, Tzatziki, Horiatiki (marinated olives, cucumbers, tomatoes and cannellinis), Stifado (Beef Stew), Kitharaki shrimp with orzo in spicy tomato sauce, (Sokolatopita) Chocolate Cake & Cheesecake w/GF Baklava topping M - Made fresh pita for leftover Stifado drizzled w/Tzatziki T - Grilled burgers no bun, kale chips BBQ flavored & apple salad W - Chef's salad Th - Taco Salad F - frozen enchiladas, green salad S - work day grilled pork steaks, potato salad & 3 bean salad Picked the wine grapes to make vinegar - we made 5 gallons Since it was in the middle of the night: Thankful to enjoy the aurora borealis and comet show last night. It was so bright! Have a great weekend! Go Sports!


Friday 11th of October 2024

I spent $59.50 between Lowe’s Foods and Food Lion…$10 was in cereal because it was on sale at Food Lion for $1.99. We don’t eat much cereal, but DH likes to take it on mornings he travels as a breakfast he can eat whenever.

We ate: Saturday: A bbq buffet local restaurant we had never tried before that was GREAT. We will definitely be going back to it. We had lunch so supper we just had a salad and a piece of toast. Sunday: roasted pork loin/roasted potatoes/collards Monday: (best thing all week) Garlic butter fried rice with sticky pork loin bites. I used the leftover pork loin cut into small pieces…coated with sauce made from bbq sauce/soy sauce/garlic and ginger…baked in a foil packet til tender then opened the packet and broiled to give it some stickiness and color. Added to Marion’s kitchen Japanese garlic butter fried rice. That rice is not healthy, but it is great! It’s much better than the fried rice I usually make that has more soy. We had some broccoli with this to make us feel better about ourselves. Tuesday: Baked Greek chicken, salad, small pita Wednesday: butter chicken spiced grilled chicken, cut into strips after grilling and served on warm naan with onions and sauce. Salad on the side. Thursday: Shrimp and pasta Friday: Kids are coming for a movie night so I’m thinking chili/hotdogs/cheese plate

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