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WIS, WWA | no takeout for us!

What I Spent

Since I spent some time last Friday doing a thorough job of planning, I did actually make an organized trip to Aldi this week.

weekly plans.

aforementioned planning

Annnnnnd we did not get takeout this week, probably because of the planning. 🙂

salad with blueberries.

a lunch salad from this week

I spent:

  • $71 at Aldi
  • $6 at Safeway

So, $77 for us this week.

What We Ate


Leftover chicken noodle soup, and I again added cream to mine. Will I ever eat regular chicken noodle again?


chicken noodle soup.

Also, I took the suggestion from one of you and added my leftover tortellini to the soup. Thumbs up!


I made a simple chicken taco salad; I just coated chicken breasts with an eyeballed combo of cumin, chili powder, salt, and pepper, and then I pan-sauteed them.

chicken taco salad.

I made an eyeballed* approximation of the cilantro/lime dipping sauce that is in this chipotle chicken recipe to use as a dressing, and I fried some corn tortillas to make some crispy tortilla strips.

*It was an evening full of eye-balling. I feel like eyeballing is more feasible when you are making small quantities of things. I eyeball a lot more now that I’m just cooking for two!


I made a pot of chili, which we ate with chips, sour cream, cilantro, and cheese.

And I used the last of the chili powder that Kristin from Going Country had sent to me.

empty bag of chili powder.


Zoe and I ate together, but we had different things; she had a grilled cheese and tomato soup, and I had leftover chili plus a cheese quesadilla.

On the side, we had cucumber slices and some small colorful peppers (from my Hungry Harvest box).


Leftover chili.

But somehow I didn’t take a single picture of the chili, despite plenteous opportunities. Whoops.


I made baked potatoes topped with buffalo chicken; it’s an idea I initially got from a Dinnerly meal earlier this year.

buffalo chicken baked potato.

The Dinnerly version

The Dinnerly meal came with ground chicken, but since I like unground chicken better, that’s what I subbed this time.

I sliced chicken thighs into thin strips, coated them with flour, salt, and pepper, fried them with in very small amount of oil, and then added buffalo sauce.

buffalo chicken.


Zoe has another 5:00-9:00 pm shift, so..maybe she will have some French toast when she gets home. And maybe I will eat up some random leftovers.

What did you have for dinner this week?

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    J NL

    Saturday 23rd of September 2023

    I mealplanned last week and we pretty much stuck to the plan Roast potatoes with chicken and salad, homemade dressings Leftover chicken, potato cubes and roast red beet root Fend for yourself, as I was at an event Homemade tomato soup with chicken broth and a dollop of mascarpone, with toasted bread. Will make again. Fend for yourself as I was travelling. I did not have French fries, although I did have a delay on the way home :-) Deconstructed salade nicoise as I was worn out from a busy week.

    I am now cooking mash potatoes with cooked greens and a salad and porc chops. I am trying to clear out the fridge and make some room in our freezer, since one of the kids will move dorms and needs a place to temporarily store food. My husband and I will be away for a few days and my husband has firmly announced that he plans to have restaurant dinners every day. I think our home dinners have been a little too improvised to his taste lately!

    Katy in Africa

    Friday 22nd of September 2023

    It all looks so yummy and flavorful! - Beans and rice made by my daughter for her home ec class. She cooked the beans in the pressure cooker. - chicken curry rice - Bean soup (kinda like a meatless chili) - red sauce over rice - Peanut sauce and rice - And this weekend I'm thinking of taking a break from rice and making pizza.


    Friday 22nd of September 2023

    Yum! I love chili. This week we ate baked potatoes topped with chicken and other stuff, grilled pork chops, honey mustard chicken sheet pan meal with potatoes and broccoli, tacos, stir fry, chicken nuggets and basic bean soup. It was a week of big meals to replenish the freezer of lunches for us adults. We also had whatever fruit and veg was handy. We ate the last of the huge bag of garden tomatoes from my uncle-in-law.


    Friday 22nd of September 2023

    Kristen, are you bringing lunches to school? That would be an interesting post. I take leftovers to work most of the time, but when there are no leftovers I find it hard to think of what to take.


    Sunday 24th of September 2023

    @Kristen, that sounds great to me. I like the lunch planning & eating, but hate the carrying, especially dirty containers afterward, so PBJ sandwich & cut up raw vegs is about it for me.


    Friday 22nd of September 2023

    I am, I am! I'm not there every single day at lunchtime, but a lot of days I am.

    Maybe I should take a picture each day for a while and then share them all in a post. Is that the kind of thing you have in mind?


    Friday 22nd of September 2023

    Husband is out of town.I am trying to eat healthy just by myself. I made a pot of split pea soup and have some delicious bagels and onion chive cream cheese from Trader Joe to eat with that. I have had some stir fy chicken with veggies over rice, and also tuna fish sandwich and soup.Plus I eat TONS o ffruit for snacks and at night.. it keeps my blood pressure in check (the DASH diet helps reduce blood pressure without meds in many cases;it has for me!) Made some homemade applesauce from 99 cent bags of apples from grocery overstock bin. Tonight my son will come for dinner, making a Chicken Shawerma from Trader Joe with tabooli,hummus, tzatiki and a small greek salad. I slice the Shawerma and serve over rice.. will make leftovers for tomorrow too.

    Tried the Aldi near me for the first time.It is right next to my REGULAR store:WINCO.ALdi here was too small, not enough choice, missing MANY items I usually need. The pet food section ONLY had DOG FOOD! No kitty food! I was disappointed but bought 4 jars of sauerkraut on sale as we eat it regularly and it was a great sale.Won’t be returning there.WINCO is best for our needs.I shop those bins! We eat a lot of grains,brown rice,lentils,split peas.

    I buy a few regular things from Trader Joe too, for me there is a MAX of TWO stores I will go to each week for groceries!

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