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WIS, WWA | on a Saturday!

What I Spent

Well, hi there, friends! My day just kept going sideways yesterday, so here we are on a Saturday morning. 😉

chiquita on Kristen's lap.

I should have sort of a quiet weekend ahead of me, which is good because I have a zillion school things to do.

As it turns out, a full-semester class squished into eight weeks makes for a very heavy workload between classes, labs, simulations, projects, lectures, clinicals, homework, and studying.

cat sitting on book.

I am getting things done on time, but sheesh, it is a lot of work.

ANYWAY! Let’s focus on food for a minute. 🙂

I spent:

  • $60 at Sam’s Club
  • $11 at Trader Joe’s
  • $75 at Aldi
  • $11 at Safeway

So, $157. I told you it’d be a more expensive week after my low one last time around!

What We Ate


I made a random clean-out-the-fridge bowl with black beans, lettuce, dressing, plus some mozzarella cheese that I kinda pan fried into something like a cheese chip (but since mozzarella is a soft cheese, it only gets so crispy).

black bean salad bowl.


Zoe was at work, and I made myself some asparagus soup for dinner.

asparagus soup.


Zoe was at work again, so I ate the rest of the soup. Easy peasy. 🙂


I made ground beef tacos, and we had some fruit on the side.



I used the leftover ground beef to make taco salads, with some fried tortilla strips on top, and a blended cilantro dressing.

fried tortilla strips.

cilantro dressing.


I made some chicken fingers, and we ate them with an assortment of raw fruits and veggies.

chicken fingers on a plate.


At the end of a sideways day, we decided to get Panera. But it was free because I used a gift card!

panera takeout.

What did you have for dinner this week?

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Saturday 14th of September 2024

Most of the money I spent this week on groceries was today at the Farmer's Market. I bought a peck of lovely yellow apples, Colorado peaches (they've lifted the "grown within 50mi, rule on some things) zucchini, two big onions, probably a pound of shishito peppers (mine have waned in production)(but a pound is a world of them!). I'm getting my Misfit's Box today with a little more produce not available here. The only meal I've cooked this week was last night for supper. I quartered and "oiled" two small yellow potatoes, a few shishitos, sliced some okra and quartered a couple of medium sized cremini mushrooms and cooked those in varying stage with an Aldi Fremont crab cake in the air fryer. I made some dill sauce with fresh dill and mayonnaise. The rest of the week was ham and Lebanon bologna half sandwiches or tomato toast. I did get a meal at work Tuesday night. Last weekend was our family traditional get together at the Rodeo so suppers were at Rodeo park. Saturday lunch was KFC with peach cobbler that I had taken. Sunday morning on the way home, I dined alone at Denny's.


Saturday 14th of September 2024


66 spent. Low spend September. I will have to go buy milk and lettuce this week. Maybe celery too.

Sun. Mon. Tues. Italian zucchini( free from a friend) rice skillet. With marked down ground turkey.

Wed and Thurs. shrimp and pesto pasta with fresh diced tomatoes and black olives.

Fri and Sat. Pesto pasta salad with lots of odds n ends. Fresh herbs. Rest of mayo. Rest of pesto. Rest of black olives and tomatoes. Half a bag of frozen peas. Bits of cucumber.

I have been eating lots of egg sandwiches and crudite for breakfasts and lunches. Sliced apples and Walnuts too. I am working down a big bag.

Starting to have chilly nights. It’s almost SOUP SEASON!!!

A. Marie

Saturday 14th of September 2024

@Stephanie, huzzah for soup season!


Saturday 14th of September 2024

After watching my step-daughter go through nursing school (she’s now a NICU nurse), I can’t imagine how you keep up your grades and your blog!

I don’t track weekly spending. Maybe I should start! But here’s what we ate;

Monday: Italian sausage with mushrooms and pasta (my 14yo cooked)

Tuesday: Date Night (I was inspired by your date nights years ago, and my husband and I don’t miss a week) My 17yo cooked Italian chicken with zucchini and pasta

Wednesday: Copycat Panera broccoli cheese soup with sourdough (had to add some cauliflower, and it was still good!)

Thursday: grandson’s birthday dinner at Texas Roadhouse

Friday: grilled chicken kabobs, yellow rice, and salad

Saturday: spaghetti and meatballs

Karen A.

Saturday 14th of September 2024

Kudos to you for cooking at all. I have but one class right now (B term starts in October, then I'll have two), and between that and helping two college kids with their classes, and studying for bio exam, I'm glad I have other cooks in the house.

WWS: $456 at Kroger, not too bad.

Saturday/Sunday: homemade pizzas, still trying to tweak my homemade sauce so Selective Eater will try it. Monday: DH cooked burgers and extra tuna burgers for the next day; Tuesday: Tuna burgers and I forget what we had for a side. I think I picked up grapes for 99 cents a pound. They were good grapes, too! Wednesday: Leftovers. We had extra because DH was fasting on Sunday. Thursday: taco night Friday: chicken shawarma, salad bar, rice

Central Calif. Artist Jana

Saturday 14th of September 2024

Why is an entire semester’s class squished into 8 weeks?? I must have missed something. Sounds impossible!

Maybe the pressure and topsy-turveyness is prep for working nights.


Saturday 14th of September 2024

Well, for the second half of the semester we have an 8-week pediatric class. So, instead of classes running concurrently, this semester they make them two condensed, non-concurrent classes.

I don't know for sure if I prefer this or the other way. I think I might prefer the regular way because you have more time between tests to let exam material marinate in your brain. This is just so quick!

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