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WIS, WWA | Plus a little gratefulness

Last Friday when I wrote the WIS, WWA post, we’d been to the ER twice (once for Sonia’s asthma, once for Mr. FG).

We brought our total to three with a very long Friday night/Saturday visit for Mr. FG, who has still been plagued by ear/vertigo problems.

ER clock

This has been pretty un-fun for everyone involved, but there are some things to be grateful for too.

  • We already met our out-of-network deductible this year, so all the ER visits, follow-up doctor visits, and prescriptions will be $0. I already saw a $2700 ER bill come in as $0 for us. Whew.
  • Mr. FG and Sonia don’t have serious, life-threatening issues. This heavy two weeks of doctor visits will be a merciful anomaly.
  • Mr. FG missed a lot of days of work, but he had time off to cover the days.
  • Spending several nights trying to doze in an ER chair makes your bed feel like the most luxurious thing in the world.

Happily, both Mr. FG and Sonia are on the mend, and Mr. FG even made it back to work yesterday.  Woohoo!

What I Spent

I dropped in at Costco for chicken and bread ($10), a regular grocery store for a few things ($33.50) and then Aldi ($98).

Plus I got my Hungry Harvest ($31).

Hungry Harvest provolone cheese

So, I’m at $172.50.

This is $22.50 over my usual $150/week spend, but whatever. I did a good job of mostly avoiding takeout during a very out-of-routine week, and that is definitely what matters more.

November Spending

Week 1: $198

Week 2: $147

Week 3: $172.50

What We Ate


Sonia and Mr. FG really wanted chicken nuggets, so I picked up Chick-Fil-A. I just used our date night money for that, since Mr. FG was definitely not up for going out!

I didn’t feel like Chick-Fil-A so I had a random plate of things:

random dinner plate


I made a pot of clam chowder, which we ate with a loaf of bread from the freezer + some raw produce.

homemade clam chowder recipe


I had leftover cooked chicken, so I made a pan of chicken and biscuits.

chicken and biscuits

I also roasted some butternut squash.


We had chicken katsu (from Dinner Illustrated) which is kind of an all-in-one dish: chicken, rice, and a raw cabbage side.


Breakfast for dinner! I made chocolate chip pancakes (Lisey’s request) to use up my buttermilk.

(I used this buttermilk pancake recipe and just stirred in chocolate chips.)

I also blended up some Orange Julius and fried up a package of bacon from the freezer.

orange julius in blender


Sonia really wanted Swedish meatballs over noodles, so I obliged.

Hungry Harvest had sent me some broccoli, so I cooked that and topped it with cheese.


I think I may cook some chicken sausages and make mashed potatoes. And maybe a salad to use up the spinach I have in my fridge.

What did you have for dinner this week?

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    One Frugal Girl

    Saturday 16th of November 2019

    I love that you can reflect on all those trips to the ER with gratitude! It’s so easy to see the bad stuff but so utterly enlightening to focus on the good!


    Saturday 16th of November 2019

    I am so glad to hear your family is doing well and the hospital visits are over! And yay for managing to juggle that with making dinners. What a relief medical coverage is -- it's dizzying to see what they would actually charge you without the deductible paid. It sounds like an exhausting week -- hope the next one is better!


    Saturday 16th of November 2019

    Sunday: spaghetti bolognese

    Monday: fresh bread wirh walnuts with cheese and cold cuts

    Tuesday: red lentil soup

    Wednesday: chicken tikka masala

    Thursday: Bread rolls with cheese and salami

    Friday: We went to see a musical and ate local specialties at a brewery afterwards: steak tatar an dark bread with fresh onions, egg yolk, smoked fish and capers; „heaven and earth“: mashed potatoes, apple sauce, roasted blood sausage and fried onions.


    Saturday 16th of November 2019

    Your Monday dinner sounds fantastic. Bread or crackers with cheese is just so good!


    Friday 15th of November 2019

    Fri - my husband and I went out for Italian. I had Eggplant Parm and he had Lasagna Sat - Pork Tenderloin and I think I made rice with it. And a vegetable. Sun - Roast Chicken, Mashed Potatoes and gravy, corn, rolls and Pasta Salad. It was Family Night and my 13 year old wanted potatoes and pasta salad lol. For dessert we had Monkey Bread. Mon - Pork Chops, Baked Potatoes and Green Abrams Tues - Chicken Enchiladas and I also made a few White Bean and Spinach Enchiladas for me. I use the green sauce for mine bc I don’t like red sauce. And Mexican Rice Wed- Leftovers Thurs - Chicken Parmesan Pasta, Salad and Italian Bread

    Betta from daVille

    Sunday 17th of November 2019

    Curious mind: what is a Green Abrams?


    Friday 15th of November 2019

    This week I spent zero on groceries!!! Total pantry and freezer week.

    Saturday: A plethora of leftovers.

    Sunday: Venison chili

    Monday: Marinated venison steaks with loaded baked potatoes and corn.

    Tuesday: Everything bagel egg and cheese sandwiches.

    Wednesday: Orange Ginger marinated venison kabobs with brown rice and homemade garlic cheese bread.

    Thursday: Pancakes flavored with homemade vanilla that is finally ready and sausage links. Real maple syrup, of course.

    Friday: As of this post we are on the road to visit our middle daughter who lives over two hours away. She and her significant other are taking us out for dinner when we get there.

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