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WIS, WWA | sandwich, sandwich, sandwich

What I Spent

Cherries in a metal strainer.

You know something? We don’t have any BJ’s receipts this week.

This is probably related to the fact that Mr. FG has been back in the office for work a little more regularly of late!

  • $27 at Harris Teeter
  • $140 at Aldi

So, $167 for this last July report.

July Spending

Week 1: $157

Week 2: $183

Week 3: $157

Week 4: $84

Week 5: $167

What We Ate


Mr. FG and I bought another Local Flavor voucher for the sandwich place we tried last week.

I tried a crab cake sandwich this time, but it was a little disappointing, mainly because the crab was super shredded. No lumps at all!

Crab cake sandwich with arugula and red onion.

The grilled cheese I tried last week was much better.

We also used a Coldstone Creamery gift card to get some ice cream afterward.

Small bowl of chocolate Coldstone Creamery ice cream.


We had cold cut sandwiches, because sandwiches two nights in a row is not a problem.


Uhhhh. I only now just realized that this made our third sandwich night in a row.

Sonia requested beef au jus sandwiches, so I made those, using homemade French bread.

beef au jus sandwiches


Guys. We did not have sandwiches!

I made a bucatini pasta recipe from Cook’s Country. The flavor was good, but we all agreed that bucatini is sort of hard to eat.

Bucatini pasta dish in a pot.

It’s like long strands of uncut macaroni and man, it wants to slip right off your fork.


I made Swedish pancakes, which are like crepes for the lazy. 😉

swedish pancakes lazy crepes


I made butter chicken (another Sonia request) and we ate that with naan that we’d taken home from the food pantry extras.

Cook's Illustrated butter chicken


It’s just Mr. FG and me tonight! Which means we could eat something with dairy AND shellfish.

Like shrimp and grits.

shrimp and grits in a white bowl.

What did you have for dinner this week?

Don't throw your bread away!

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    Friday 30th of July 2021

    We spent $96 at the grocery store. Of that, $14 was cat litter and cat treats, so our people food expenditure was $82.

    We ate sandwiches with fresh produce on the side for supper every night. One night it was so hot that I had three slices of honeydew melon and called it good. My lunches were leftovers from lunch out on Saturday supplemented with some baked beans and fruit.


    Friday 30th of July 2021

    I don't recall all that I had this past week, but I want to share a recipe that I fell in love with:

    Grains-free banana coconut pancakes

    (for 1)

    * 1 riped banana * 1 egg * vanilla to taste * baking powder (0.5 teaspoon? Did not mesure) * 2 tablespoons coconut flour

    Mix all and fry batter for pancakes

    Topping suggestion: * frozen strawberries, cooked on stovetop until mushy. Add sweetner of choice. Add cornstarch for a thicker consistency.

    Enjoy! ps : IComefrom a website, which I dont' remember. This is NOT my recipe.


    Friday 30th of July 2021

    Sunday: We grilled burgers and had them with fresh cucumbers from the garden Monday: I made crock pot pulled BBQ pork with a pork roast from the freezer and some jalapeño coleslaw, then we made sliders with mini Hawaiian rolls. Tuesday: Linguine with fresh mozzarella, chicken sausage and a fresh tomato/basil sauce. Wednesday: We met up with some friends who were visiting and went out to Indian food. We came home with lots of delicious leftovers for lunches. Thursday: Grilled chicken sandwiches with strawberries and pineapple on the side Friday: Some local take out, I will see what the kids want to get Saturday: Homemade pizza

    Rebecca in MD

    Friday 30th of July 2021

    We are eating a lot more sandwiches in this hot weather, and also because the tomatoes are ripening. Menu for the week includes soft crab sandwiches, BLT's, tuna salad, cheesesteaks, and Chicken Shawarma (

    All made at home. Glad my husband doesn't mind sandwiches.


    Friday 30th of July 2021

    Had a bad summer cold this week so we relied on more takeout than usual.

    Saturday - takeout burgers Sunday - Mexican chicken and rice salad Monday - takeout pizza Tuesday - instant pot pork carnitas tacos, elote corn Wednesday - cheesy chicken vegetable and rice casserole Thursday - takeout Chinese Friday - roast chicken thighs, corn on the cob, green beans, biscuits

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